
Japan Loving That Garbage Coffee

Hamilton Nolan · 04/03/14 08:54AM

Here in America, the home of taste and sophistication, we drink "tea," to demonstrate that we are not crude savages. In Japan, however, no "thousands of years of cultural legacy" can hide the fact that they drink garbage coffee.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/14 02:19PM

"Service isn't considered lesser than other professions because it's less honorable, or even requires fewer skills... These jobs are seen as lesser because we made them this way." Former barista Molly Osberg on the unstated Brooklyn class war.

McDonald's Still Wants to Be the New Starbucks

Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/14 10:26AM

McDonald's was once known as a "restaurant" where Americans could purchase, at reasonable prices, hamburgers the size and flavor of air hockey discs. Those days are gone. Fast food is a loser's game. McDonald's now aims to be the new Starbucks.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/13 11:03AM

"Your [morning] coffee will probably be the most effective if you enjoy it between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM, when your cortisol levels are dropping before the next spike."

Small Child Drinks Coffee Every Morning, Is Probably Always High

Rich Juzwiak · 06/06/13 09:08AM

That headline could signal only one thing: the return of Toddlers & Tiaras. Well, it could signal the apocalypse too, I suppose. Really, the clip reel above from last night's season premiere is all about the first 9 seconds, which made me laugh harder than anything I can remember. Alexa says, "Wheeee!" and I feel her.

Everybody's Into Tea Now, Apparently

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/13 09:03AM

You like coffee? Yeah, I used to like coffee. I'm kind of over that now. I've evolved past that. I've advanced into tea. Tea is kind of the new "thing," for me and my 300 million closest friends, the citizens of the United States of America.

Might the Coffee Nerds Be Right?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/13 04:10PM

It must be said right up front: coffee is a utilitarian beverage that exists mainly to wake you up. Therefore, treating coffee as some delicate wine-like treat that can only be appreciated by a select group of gourmands is absurd. Or is it?

New Drink Regulations Force New Yorkers to Confront Essential Toxicity of Their Caffeinated Syrup Beverages

Max Read · 03/07/13 01:01PM

New York City's ban on the sale of sugary drinks goes into effect on Tuesday, and The New York Times would have you believe "coffee drinkers... are likely to face a thicket of complications." This is wrong. Coffee drinkers—people who drink actual coffee in appropriate amounts—will be fine. Others—people who drink enormous buckets of caffeinated syrup—are likely to be inconvenienced.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/12 03:00PM

Starbucks has a UK tax scandal. "It just smells and it doesn't smell of coffee. It smells bad." Like Starbucks coffee.

Robert Kessler · 09/28/12 09:15AM

America's premiere coffee shop, McDonald's, is offering a free small premium roast today at New York-area locations.