Coffee, "The Bean of Kings," has a worth that might be considered infinite. But right this moment, it's worth is more accurately described as "Cheap as hell."

We now stand here, drinkin' our coffee, in an era when coffee prices are mired in the poorest market in a more than a decade. Why not buy hundreds and hundreds of pounds of coffee now, while you can afford it? From the Wall Street Journal:

Barring an unprecedented spike on Tuesday, the last trading day of the year, coffee will end the year in negative territory, as it did in 2011 and 2012.

Coffee prices haven't fallen for three consecutive years since the early 1990s.

Since 2011, coffee prices are down 49%. That is the largest two-year decline since 2000-2001, when prices fell 63%

And the coffee sharps expect prices to fall further next year, because everybody all over the world planted so much god damn coffee that even with a new coffee shop opening on Franklin Ave. every month, there is just more coffee than the coffee sellers know what to do with.

You, the consumer, will continue to pay the same price for a cup of coffee though, because you're little more than a drug fiend. All the profits will go to the middlemen. That's where the action is in this game.

[Photo: Flickr]