
Your Frappuccinos Are in Danger

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/12 11:43AM

Smooth move by thinspirational pro-ana billionaire Mike Bloomberg: he'll ban big huge sodas that poor people drink, sure, but don't worry, people who actually vote and/ or donate money to political campaigns—your precious huge syrupy Starbucks quote sweetened coffee beverages unquote will be safe, because they contain milk.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer. Who Cares, Really?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/12 09:10AM

A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that over a 13-year period studied, there "was a significant inverse association between coffee consumption and mortality," meaning that people who drank coffee had a lower risk of death, particularly from "heart disease, respiratory problems, strokes, injuries and accidents, diabetes and infections."

That's Beetle Juice in Your Vegan Frappuccino

Leah Beckmann · 03/29/12 10:44AM

Soy Strawberry Frappuccinos, already one of the most unpleasant Starbucks drinks I could think to order, have been using something called cochineal extract to dye the drinks that murky Pepto Bismol Pink. Cochineal extract, it turns out, is made from South American beetles and was adopted in an effort to stop using artificial ingredients. But the vegan community will not have it; they have, of course, started an insufferable petition demanding that Starbucks stop using the dye.

Damn Canadians Are Winning the Coffee Cup Size War

Hamilton Nolan · 01/17/12 09:40AM

"Fuck you, Starbucks, you American pussies." That is what we imagine Canadian coffee and donut chain Tim Hortons to be anthropomorphically saying today, adding in an "Eh?" at the end in stereotypical sneering Canadian style. Are we going to sit around as some Canadian fucks have cups that hold a larger amount of coffee than ours do? Eh?

Any Jokes About Starbucks' Blonde Roast Will Result in a 'Written Offense'

Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/12 03:18PM

How excited are we all about Starbucks™' new Blonde Roast™? Right? We don't even need to explicate that one. The real question is, how excited are the Starbucks™ team member associate partner barista family members, who have the privilege of handing over the bags of the new Blonde Roast™ to enthusiastic customers like us?

How Much Coffee Is Safe?

Max Read · 12/01/11 06:45PM

"How much coffee is safe?" the BBC wonders, before letting us know that "the advice is much less clear-cut." Psh! We can tell you how much coffee is safe.

Has Super Broccoli Fallen Into the Wrong Hands?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/11 04:38PM

HPV boys! Chest X-rays! Aging secrets! Bat disease! Old pacemakers! Filthy surface! Coffee protection! Super broccoli! And gurl U no U better keep taking that birth control! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—in technicolor!

Starbucks Caters to Milquetoast America

Hamilton Nolan · 10/19/11 09:15AM

There are more Starbucks coffee shops in America than there were voters in the last presidential election (probably). Starbucks is America. Or, more accurately, Starbucks shapes America into its own image: a nation of the types of people who love Starbucks.

Will Climate Change Murder All the Coffee?

Lauri Apple · 10/14/11 03:59AM

Oh, maybe: "What we are really seeing as a company as we look 10, 20, 30 years down the road—if conditions continue as they are—is a potentially significant risk to our supply chain, which is the Arabica coffee bean," says Jim Hanna, the sustainability director at Starbucks (a bottom line-focused coffee chain whose name you might recognize).

Coffee Cures Women, Bad Comedians of Depression

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/11 03:20PM

Cancer sex! Coffee women! Insurance cost! Doctor complaints! Fatherhood hearts! Diarrhea pools! Killer cantaloupes! Sleepy teens! And cheese is coming to take your soul to hell! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—inappropriately!

Are Pumpkin Spice Lattes Destroying Our Nation's Manhood?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/11 12:00PM

Jim Romenesko is retiring from his gig as America's most influential media blogger, but have no fear: he's still running Starbucks Gossip, the obsessive Starbucks-covering site which he also inexplicably runs! And he's taking on the question foremost in the mind of every normal, masculine, red-blooded, suburban, flavor-loving American man this Halloween season: does this Pumpkin Spice Latte make me a bitch?

Starbucks Hobofication Continues Apace

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/11 08:32AM

The problem with kids these days is they don't know history. That, and the fact that they're narcissistic monsters. But let's focus on the history point: did you kids know that once, long ago, Starbucks was considered "fancy" coffee?

We Can't Be Called 'Homo Sapiens' Any More

Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/11 04:41PM

Coffee mystery! Asteroid deflection! Earth expansion! Fly paranoia! Acoustic cloaking! Bear strings! Homo sapienism! Smartest insect! And stupid fish are all like, "Which hand makes the 'L?'" It's your Wednesday Science Watch, where we watch science—as best we can!