
Don't Hotbox Your Car if Your Two-Year-Old Is in the Backseat

Max Read · 12/02/11 02:53PM

There are a lot of parenting books out there, but not all of them answer the very pertinent question, "Is it okay to hotbox my car with my two-year-old son in the backseat?" So allow us to answer: No. No, it is not okay.

Kiddie Corner: Yes, Kids, Santa's Phone Number is 911

Max Read · 11/30/11 10:12AM

Hi Kids! Welcome to Gawker's famous "Kiddie Corner," a place just for you. Today, let's talk about 911. Does anyone know what 911 is? That's right! It's a phone number. A very important phone number. It's Santa Claus' phone number!

Today in Police Brutality: 5-Year-Old Cuffed and Charged with Assault

Seth Abramovitch · 11/30/11 04:33AM

Michael Davis is a hyperactive 5-year-old diagnosed with ADHD who frequently gets into fights at school. His mother calls him an "energetic, loving, good kid" who is misunderstood by school administrators at Rio Calaveras Elementary of Stockton, California. They disagree, frequently complaining to his divorced parents that he is a discipline problem. When the school didn't see any improvement, they took matters in their own hands, and invited a police officer to the school to scare Michael straight.

Patti LaBelle Sued For Getting Into Screaming Match with Toddler

Seth Abramovitch · 11/16/11 03:43AM

Lady Marmalade, The Soul of Philadelphia, the one, the only, Miss Patti LaBelle: Get your kids the fuck away from her. That's the only reasonable takeaway, really, from a lawsuit filed against the singer by a family who lived in the same, Trump-owned tenement structure on the Upper West Side as LaBelle.

Insane Parents Now Buying and Selling Chicken Pox Lollipops

Max Read · 11/05/11 04:46PM

A U.S. Attorney in Tenn. has been forced to remind parents not to buy or sell lollipops that have been spat on or licked by children with infectious diseases like chicken pox. So much for the "free market" in Barry Soetero's America, eh?

Michelle Obama Engulfed by Seething Horde of Children

Hamilton Nolan · 10/12/11 09:00AM

As long as we allow her husband to occupy the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama is determined to continue her dangerous crusade to get America's kids in shape. Who is that lady to tell my baby he ain't eating right?

Pee Wee Cage Fighting Takes England By Storm

Seth Abramovitch · 09/22/11 01:57AM

Here's footage shot on Sept. 10 at the Greenlands Labour Club in Lancashire, England, where an enterprising promoter had the inspired idea to pit two, bloodthirsty 8-year-old boys against one another in a cage fight battle royale. You call it a brutal form of child exploitation; they see it as their only ticket out of council flats. Watch in amazement as these scrappy young chavs and/or future looters get their first taste of young blood, then proceed to gut-kick the crap out of one another until one is declared victor and the other breaks down in tears. There is no crying in Pee Wee Mixed Martial Arts Fighting, children! Well, OK. Maybe there's a little crying. [Daily Mail, BBC]

Bird Flips Bird in Growing Kiddie Pic Epidemic

Richard Lawson · 08/23/11 01:51PM

First it was Chuck E. Cheese, and now it's Tweety Bird. A Dallas mother is furious with the Six Flags Fiesta Texas amusement park after noticing that in a photo taken with her daughters, Tweety Bird appears to be giving the middle finger.

Car-Driving 5-Year-Old Almost Makes It

Richard Lawson · 07/22/11 11:54AM

This morning, down in the desert deeps of El Paso, a 5-year-old child was found, at 1 am, behind the wheel of his mother's minivan after driving it into a pole. The boy tried to flee the scene but was caught. His intended destination? Candy.

Child Bride Courtney Stodden and Creepy Old Husband Give Weirdest Interview Yet

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/11 01:02PM

Every time we try to look away from 51-year-old Lost actor Doug Hutchison and 16-year-old country singer Courtney Stodden, their freakshow antics suck us back in. In a new E! interview, they pass a Yorkie back and forth, rubbing noses and giggling about Courtney losing her virginity. "He's a tiger," Courtney teases, moving in for a hug. "You're so bad," Doug replies, burying his face in her chest.

Restaurant Bans Children Under Six

Seth Abramovitch · 07/13/11 01:08AM

People may be having fewer children than ever before, but have you noticed that the ones they are having keep gravitating directly to you — screaming through transatlantic flights, filling their diapers on crowded subways, whipping silverware at your head during romantic meals, etc.? Well, one man has, and he's decided to do something about it. McDain's, a driving range-side eatery in Pennsylvania, has instated a new policy: No more kids under six.

Octomom Unleashes Babies, Mayhem on Today Show

Maureen O'Connor · 07/08/11 11:14AM

A neurotic, motormouthed Octomom unleashed her children on the Today Show, and the result was complete mayhem. Above, Ann Curry chases down a runaway octobaby while another attempts electrocution by stage light. It's like watching someone tip over a giant bucket of marbles on a dancefloor.

Go the Fuck to Sleep for Jews Now Exists

Maureen O'Connor · 06/29/11 03:39PM

Yesterday, reactionary parent-types lamented satirical children's book Go the Fuck to Sleep as a work of violent bigotry, imploring, "Imagine if this were written about Jews, blacks, Muslims or Latinos."