
Children Talking About Politics Will Never Not Be Amusing

Camille Dodero · 09/28/12 04:10PM

Adults interrogating children about Big Person Issues on camera is a completely original concept that was definitely invented by the Internet. But since it's been a gnarly Friday afternoon, let's cleanse our eyeballs with this short clip of kids talking about the 2012 presidential election at a Brooklyn block party. You will learn that the White House is located . . . at the beach! You vote by . . . getting some cardboard! The one character all the children of the world would unanimously vote for . . . is Spongebob!

Report: Yes, You Are Guilty of Child Abuse

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/12 09:20AM

Guilt: are you carrying enough of it? Likely not. Do you even care about your children? You don't, do you? Don't lie—that's another thing to feel guilty about A new report has finally pinpointed exactly how much abuse you—whether through negligence, malice, or just some other vague action you didn't even think twice about—have inflicted on your poor, innocent children: a lot, probably.

The Long, Sad Story of Etan Patz (UPDATE)

John Cook · 05/25/12 10:32AM

Today is the 33rd anniversary of the disappearance of Etan Patz, the six-year-old New Yorker whose abduction in 1979 helped usher in a new age of terror and suspicion for American parents. Though Etan was declared legally dead in 2001, his case has never been solved. Yesterday, after three decades of false leads and a menagerie of suspects, the NYPD announced that a New Jersey man named Pedro Hernandez had confessed to strangling Patz and dumping his body somewhere in Manhattan. It's unclear at this point whether Hernandez's confession will hold water, if he acted alone, or if he is just a confused publicity seeker. Here's a look back at the case.

Should Kindergartners Decide Whether You Live or Die?

Caity Weaver · 05/16/12 10:12PM

Kindergartners in Georgia are being groomed to become tyrannical little King Joffreys, wielding unprecedented power over their teachers' lives, according to The Hechinger Report. As part of a new pilot program, feedback from five-year-olds' surveys about their instructors will be used to determine whether teachers retain their jobs or receive raises.

Chicago Nanny Stole $600 from Kids' Wallets; Kids Had $600 in Their Wallets

Caity Weaver · 04/10/12 10:19PM

A nanny in Northbrook, an affluent Chicago suburb, was arrested last week after she stole $600 from the wallets of the kids she was watching. According to a police report, the children's father confronted Alexandra Donohue, 22, after noticing the money was missing. She initially denied taking the money, but later admitted to police that she had — the one flaw in an otherwise flawless defense.

Parents Don't Want Their Kids Eating Pink Slime at School For Some Reason

Adrian Chen · 03/22/12 09:41AM

One of the most delightful products of our industrial farming system is "pink slime," aka "lean, finely textured beef," a slurry of ammonia-treated cow byproducts mixed into ground beef as a filler. It's widely used in school lunches because growing children should get three servings of slime-based food per day. But now schools are ridding their cafeterias of pink slime.

Children Who Snore Grow Up to Be Crazy

Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/12 02:23PM

Have you ever looked in on your beautiful child slumbering and heard him or her "snoring?" Sorry to tell you this, but. Your kid will be all fucked up (psychologically).

My Little Brother Made This Drawing in a Timeout

Emma Carmichael · 02/24/12 03:39PM

When my little brother Joey was about six years old, he was sent to "timeout" to think about something he'd done wrong. The thing he'd done wrong that day is now lost to family history, but my father recently unearthed the drawing it produced, and I wanted to share it with you, because it is Friday and because it is hilarious—if also very, very demented.

Little Girls Protest Iran Barbie Ban: Alternate Doll 'Ugly and Fat'

Maureen O'Connor · 01/18/12 12:50PM

Ooh boy. Here's a quote that speaks volumes, from Reuters' article about Iran's morality police "cracking down" on the sale of Barbie dolls, which is forbidden. Stores have been instructed to sell Iran's specially-designed, ultra-demure Sara and Dara dolls instead, to the disgust of the superficial girl tykes of Tehran:

Comment of the Day: Robocop 4, Death By Chocolate

Leah Beckmann · 12/20/11 07:00PM

Today we learned about a fascinating new invention that uses facial recognition technology to bestow sexxxy, adults-only pudding upon the masses. Technology is truly a wonder. And while we do not often reward the immensely prestigious and sought after COTD title on the image-makers among you, today's commenter really arrested us. Please see the image above and to the right for some expert Photoshopping.

Pudding-Dispensing Robot Programmed to Threaten Children

Seth Abramovitch · 12/19/11 10:58PM

You know, if there's one thing America could use fewer of right now, it's human beings performing services in exchange for money. What are those called again? Oh right, jobs. Too many jobs! Let's eliminate positions! Like pudding sample dispensation technician, for example. How long have we been pressed under the thumb of those lazy, unionized, pudding-covered thugs? Too long. Luckily, Jell-O has finally done something about it. They have funneled thousands of man hours and countless millions in research dollars into the world's first Jell-O Temptations Sampling Machine, a marvel of technical innovation that squirts out a blob of pudding every time you approach it. But what if a child approaches it? What then? Might the Sampling Machine offer the child some delicious pudding? No! Of course not! That would be completely counterintuitive to the needs of Jell-O's dessert-squirting Frankenstein. From Gothamist: