
Schwarzenegger Mistress Identified

Max Read · 05/17/11 10:49PM

On Tuesday, former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledged that he had fathered a child out of wedlock. There were scant details beyond a vague timeframe—"more than a decade ago"—and the occupation of the child's mother: "a longtime member of [the family's] household staff." But two tabloids have just identified the woman as Mildred "Patty" Baena, age 50, a former housekeeper at Schwarzenegger's Brentwood estate.

Botox Mom Loses Custody

Maureen O'Connor · 05/16/11 01:37PM

Well, that was quick. Good Morning America reports that Botox Mom Kerry Campbell has lost custody of the 8-year-old daughter she bragged about beautifying with Botox and "virgin waxes." Child Protective Services is investigating the case; in the meantime little Britney Campbell is away from her mother and "doing well." [GMA]

Beyoncé Sneaks Up on Teen Girls Dancing to Her Song

Maureen O'Connor · 05/04/11 01:24PM

There are ways to summon magical beings: A tooth under the pillow summons the tooth fairy. Clapping saves Tinkerbell. And a gymnasium full of school children line dancing to "Move Your Body" guarantees that Beyoncé shows up. Here's another video of stiletto-clad Beyoncé materializing during a "Move Your Body" workout, this time at P.S. 161 in Harlem. Apparently giving tween girls heart attacks is part of Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign? Although these girls are actually pretty blasé. I can't decide if they knew that Beyoncé was coming, or were just like, "Oh, like the viral video. Duh."

Even Kids Know That Charlie Sheen Is Crazy

Matt Cherette · 04/21/11 01:38AM

Over the past couple of months, any discerning adult should've had no problem concluding that Charlie Sheen is an insane, drug-addled trainwreck. But as this new video from the Fine Brothers shows, even children have no trouble figuring out how crazy Sheen is after watching some of his recent interviews.

Boy with No Hands Wins Handwriting Contest

Maureen O'Connor · 04/07/11 03:46PM

Let us take a break, now, from our daily diet of sarcasm and filth for a heartwarming tale: Nicholas Maxim, a boy born with arms that end at the elbow, won educational publisher Zaner-Bloser's annual National Handwriting Contest this year. A fifth grader at Readfield Elementary School in Readfield, Maine, he beat out 200,000 other grade schoolers for the quality of penmanship he produces by pinching a writing utensil between his arms.

Sobbing 3-Year-Old Really Wants to Be Governor of New Jersey

Jim Newell · 03/31/11 12:09PM

Poor three-year-old Jesse here can't stop sobbing in the car ride home, because people keep telling him that he's too small to be governor of New Jersey. By current New Jersey gubernatorial size standards, he is absolutely too small. But can't somebody make an exception? This passionate kid is volunteering to be governor of New Jersey, one of the worst jobs in America. Maybe he can temporarily fill in the next time Sandwiches runs off to Disney World. [via Buzzfeed]

Zach Galifianakis Interviews Children for an Assistant Position on SNL

Matt Cherette · 03/13/11 12:41AM

Tonight, Zach Galifianakis followed up his show-stopping Saturday Night Live monologue with an equally funny digital short, during which he interviewed several children for an assistant position. Which one of the little tykes landed the gig? Watch and find out.

The Cutest Taekwondo Match You'll Ever See

Matt Cherette · 02/17/11 04:14PM

Come one, come all, plop yourself in front of your computer screen, and watch the cutest video you'll see today! Here's four-plus minutes of two adorable toddlers attempting to fight each other in the most aw-worthy Taekwondo match ever. Ever!