
All Cities Look Amazing in Time-Lapse Videos

Brian Moylan · 05/06/11 02:14PM

Filmmaker Dominic Boudreault made this awesome movie called "The City Limits" where he filmed time-lapse footage of Chicago, Toronto, New York, and Montreal and then edited it all together. Unless you know the various cities' landmarks, you can hardly tell them apart. Is it urbanist to say all cities look the same? You can't even tell which ones are in Canada and which are in the good old U.S. of A. Still, New York looks the best, right? Right?!

Rahm Emanuel Befriends Fellow Evil Monster

Jim Newell · 04/27/11 11:22AM

It appears that Chicago Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel has found his top political adviser, a red man-sized furry bull whose "fixer" talents have largely been wasted in his previous role as a mascot for the Chicago Bulls basketball team. It really wouldn't be surprising to see Rahm Emanuel leave his wife for this natural soul mate. [30FPS via Wonkette]

Overheard: Obama's Private Conversation with Donors

Jim Newell · 04/15/11 12:53PM

Sneaky CBS Radio News reporter Mark Knoller listened in to a private chat between the president and elite donors following a Chicago fundraiser last night. The president had no idea that this reporter could still hear the feed! Naughty Mark Knoller. Anyway, what's the dirt?

Michelle Obama's Old Neighborhood is the Unhealthiest in America

Richard Lawson · 03/30/11 05:21PM

First Lady Michelle Obama, who has the nerve and audacity and dare I say uppitiness to want our children to eat better and live healthier, ought to be knocked down to her proper place upon hearing this: Illinois's 1st Congressional District, which includes Obama's South Side Chicago home turf, ranks 430th out of 436th in a new national health and well-being survey, and dead last in the "healthy behavior category." Boom.

Hard-Partying Northwestern Students Thwarted by 'Brothel Law'

Brian Moylan · 01/25/11 02:47PM

Evanston, Illinois, the home of Northwestern University, plans to start enforcing a "brothel law" that prevents more than three unrelated people from sharing a house or apartment. Why would they bother? To cut down on college parties, of course.