
Charlie Sheen Loses Kids, Gains 600,000 Followers

Max Read · 03/02/11 02:33AM

Police arrived at actor/F-18 jet Charlie Sheen's house on Tuesday night and removed his twin boys from his custody, following allegations that he threatened his ex-wife Brooke Mueller on several occasions. (Mueller had obtained a restraining order against Sheen earlier in the day; she alleges that he threatened to "stab [her] eye with a pen knife" and, at another time, "cut [her] head off, put it in a box, and send it to [her] mom.")

Charlie Sheen Joins Twitter

Maureen O'Connor · 03/01/11 05:24PM

Meet Twitter's newest verified user: @CharlieSheen, which is gaining followers at a rate of approximately 500/second, without having fired off a single tweet. Some 34,000 people and counting(!) are now following Sheen. But what will his first tweet be? Predict in the comments. [Image of Sheen via Getty]

Christina Aguilera Arrested for Public Drunkenness

Maureen O'Connor · 03/01/11 10:51AM

Christina Aguilera and her boyfriend got sloshed, then arrested, last night. An actress names her children "Ptolemy" and "Winter." Leonardo DiCaprio trades "tender" kisses with a man. Tuesday gossip spent the night in a drunk tank.

Charlie Sheen Is on a Drug Called 'Charlie Sheen'

Max Read · 02/27/11 09:34PM

All poem-fingered F-18 fighter jet Charlie Sheen wants to do is live a quiet life as a television star and porn family patriarch. So why does CBS make it hard for him by stopping production on his show? Sheen will be deploying his ordinance to the ground and making his case ("I may be a dangerous, self-destructive drug addict, but I show up to work!") on not one, but two different morning shows on Monday: Good Morning America and Today.

Charlie Sheen's Crazy Radio Rant Makes CBS Shut Down His Show

Adrian Chen · 02/24/11 08:34PM

Charlie Sheen gave a ranty interview today to conservative radio host Alex Jones while he vacationed in the Bahamas. In less than 20 minutes, Sheen claimed he cured his alcoholism "with my mind," referred to his porn star lovers as his "goddesses," called out his imagined opponents—"fools and trolls"— in macho-baroque soliloquies, and insulted Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre in anti-Semitic fashion: "I violently hate Chaim Levine (Chuck Lorre). He's a stupid, stupid little man and a pussy punk that I'd never want to be like."