
Charlie Sheen's New Goddess Palace

Richard Lawson · 03/04/11 04:33PM

Celebrated actor and humble spirit Charlie Sheen already owns a large spread in Beverly Hills, but hey, what's one more mansion? So he's now in escrow on a $7.5 million pad in the same neighborhood. He's purchasing the home from Black Swan producer Mike Medavoy, but I'd imagine the psychological terror that Sheen brings to the place won't be quite as elegant as that of Natalie Portman's ballerina angst. No, it'll likely just be the regular old porn star coke freakouts and elevators full of tiger blood. Photos of Sheen's new home are above.

How the Hell is Anti-Semitism Having a 'Moment'?

Brian Moylan · 03/02/11 05:00PM

We're used to all sorts of crazy trends coming out of the world of pop culture, but the most recent one is incredibly alarming. What kind of world do we live in where anti-Semitism is not only acceptable, but the flavor of the moment?

Can We Talk About How Creepy the Charlie Sheen Hype Is?

Maureen O'Connor · 03/02/11 04:02PM

900,000 people (myself included) are following Charlie Sheen's brand new Twitter account, which he created in the midst of a manic media blitz that caused him to lose his job. His craziness earned him a restraining order (from the ex-wife he went to jail for beating and threatening with a knife, who says he threatened to murder her this time), and caused state authorities to remove his children from his custody. Among the evidence presented in the custody battle: A text message announcing he "must execute" a "stoopid Jew pig."