
Deadbeat Carl Paladino Won't Pay His Debts

Jeff Neumann · 03/13/11 01:19PM

It's been a while since we last heard news about Carl Paladino — Buffalo's millionaire slumlord-turned failed New York gubernatorial candidate. Well, the Buffalo News has an update on our favorite Tea Partier from the north! Crazy Carl has decided that he doesn't need to pay the campaign staffers, consultants and vendors who helped him run against Andrew Cuomo. According to ex-staffers interviewed by the paper, Paladino still owes out about $130,000 in various fees and salaries. According to ex-staffer Tim Suereth:

What Happens When You Email Carl Paladino

Maureen O'Connor · 10/17/10 12:48PM

A gay man wrote an angry email to New York's homophobic governor candidate Carl Paladino. Carl responded, "Learn how to read." So the man wrote back, even more angrily—and so did Carl. Here is their full, 8-part exchange.