Photo: AP

During an interview with the New York Observer, Carl Paladino, Donald Trump’s New York campaign co-chairman, said that “in the mind of the average American” there is “no doubt” that President Obama is a Muslim.

“He is not a Christian,” said Paladino. “Look at what he’s done with Iran, what he’s done with the Sunni-Shia thing over in Iraq and Iran, and with ISIS.”

Paladino, who ran for Governor of New York as a Republican in 2010, reportedly made the remark unprompted during a phone conversation about an unrelated topic. The Observer, which is owned by Trump’s son-in-law, notes that Obama attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for 20 years and has continued to attend church services in Washington since becoming president.

After the Pulse nightclub shooting in June, Donald Trump said “there was something going on” with Obama and the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” Asked to explain what he meant, Trump told conservative talk show host Howie Carr, “Well, you know, I’ll let people figure that out for themselves.”

Paladino appears to haven taken Trump’s advice.