
NY1 Captures Cargo's Last Breaths

Jessica · 03/28/06 01:32PM

In our continuing coverage of Cargo's death (if only someone had paid so much attention when the mag was still alive), it's been brought to our attention that senior editor Matt Trainor was on NY1 yesterday giving tips on how to host a March Madness party. Oh, cruel irony.

Did Anna Wintour Remove the 'Cargo' Feeding Tube?

Jessica · 03/28/06 09:34AM

Late yesterday afternoon, the brutal lords of Condé Nast pulled the plug on woefully misguided shopping mag Cargo — and the people, well, barely shrugged. In the aftermath, Women's Wear Daily asks today why Condé hadn't given Cargo another shot with a new editor. In the months since publisher Lance Ford's August arrival, word was the Cargo would be perking up:

Another One Bites the Dust: 'Cargo' Closes

Jessica · 03/27/06 03:57PM

Bad news from the land of useless Japanese gadgets and rare Italian hair gels: We hear that Condé Nast has pulled the plug on quasi-homo magalogue Cargo. We've put in our calls for comment; while wait for more information, we'll be creating a personal shopper position around Gawker HQ so that EIC Ariel Foxman can keep himself busy. Distract yourself from the pain, brother.

Remainders: Great Moments in Flack Fuck-Ups

Jessica · 03/21/06 05:20PM

• Remember the name Rachel Noerdlinger. She's the publicist who sent out an announcement that the city would pay $25.6 million Staten Island Ferry crash victim Paul Esposito when, in fact, no such agreement had been reached. Well done, missy. [NYT]
• For what it's worth, Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni can't get a table at Craft, either. And he often dines at hotspots as early as 5:45 or as late as 9:45 — just remind your girlfriend of that when she starts whining about Buddakan. [Diner's Journal]
• Stodgy millionaire residents of the West Village continue to complain about the noisy gay teens on Christopher Street and its pier. The solution, clearly, is to get these kids a roller rink. You know, a place to hang. [VV]
• Fine, fine — Time Inc. will pay you back. [FishbowlNY]
• The difference between and Heteros. [Big and Sharp]
• With Trader Joe's currently dominating the circus, 14th Street has become a paradise for gourmet food porn aficianados. [Curbed]
• Red States win at the Washington Post. [E&P]

'Cargo' Does Spot-On 'Details' Imitation

Jessica · 03/20/06 03:15PM

Like pigeon shit dropping from the sky, the following internal email from deliciously hot but not-on-your-team Cargo editor Ariel Foxman appeared in our mailbag. It's a little murky but, best as we can tell, it would seem that Cargo is in the planning stages for their special Fall Fag Issue:

Media Bubble: Kargo vs. 'Cargo'

Jesse · 02/24/06 12:03PM

• Wireless-entertainment provider Kargo Global sues Cargo magazine for copyright infringement. Also, one imagines, for poor newsstand. [Mediaweek]
• Freelancers often go without health insurance. Who knew? [MetroNY]
• Are Americans getting growing tired of celeb news? God we hope not. [Economist]
• Time Inc. EIC John Huey — who ousted Jim Seymore to install Rick Tetzeli as Entertainment Weekly's editor a few years ago, is now jumping back in to shuffle Tetzeli's top editorial ranks after a crappy 2005. [NYP (second item)]

Media Bubble: Time Inc. Is Sending Pirates to Your Office

Jesse · 02/10/06 02:27PM

• Time Inc.'s young guy-geared humor site,, helmed by former Maximer Mark Golin, is slated to debut Feb. 22. Given the mag publishers track record with web ventures — Pathfinder, anyone? — we're sure the College Humor boys are terrified about the potential competition. [NYP]
• Who'd have thunk it: Cargo sells best with a hot chick on the cover. [WWD]
World News Tonight anchor Elizabeth Vargas announces she's pregnant and will deliver in late summer — this ensuring that by the eight-month mark of ABC's latest dual-anchor experiment, neither of the two anchors will be on air. []
• At least there's one winner in the recent cartoon-induced global crisis: Newsweek, who people now realize probably didn't singlehandedly incite riots with a poorly sourced sentence. [MW]

Media Bubble: Tough 'Times'

Jesse · 09/22/05 01:59PM

• Bill Keller only learned of impending staff cutbacks on Friday. [E&P]
• Staff cuts, TimesSelect hiccups, Alessandra Stanley, and now this: S&P downgrades Times Co.'s debt. [NYP]
• Time Warner, like a battered wife stuck in an abusive relationship, now insists it likes AOL again. [NYT]
• Conde brass swears that editor Ariel Foxman isn't about to be canned from Cargo. [WWD]
• Denton tells Adam Penenberg there isn't much profit potential in blogs. Then he lights a fresh cigar with a $100 bill. [Wired News]

A New Ford at Conde Nast

Jesse · 08/30/05 12:30PM

The latest round of musical chairs at Conde Nast comes to an end today, with a ringer coming in to fill the final slot left open by last week's publisher shift: Lance Ford will replace Alan Katz as publisher of Cargo.

No Bottoming for 'Cargo' Men

Jesse · 08/26/05 03:42PM

We're a little sad we missed the Today show this morning. Fortunately we have loyal readers, always ready to send us the highlights we missed. Like this one, for example:

Remainders: The One Time You Might Use 'Burgeoning' In Reference to Ariel Foxman and Heterosexuality

Jessica · 07/28/05 06:10PM

• Is Cargo editor Ariel Foxman increasingly straight? Probably not, but it's certainly fun to speculate. [Jossip]
• Tara Reid: Still drunk after all these years. [Socialite's Life]
• What's summer without a little sexual harassment for the interns? [Opinionistas]
• You know how the kids from MTV's reality show Laguna Beach are kinda, like, bitchy? More on that right here, from Lo's photo album. [SexyBiatch101]
• When isn't preference given to gay couples or Paris Hilton? [Craigslist]
• Planning ahead in the age of terror. [YouBlewMeUpYouBastard]
• More on the Dove ads: We love how it's SHOCKING to NOT use emaciated models. More reactions, please, we're so into this. [VV]