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• Is Cargo editor Ariel Foxman increasingly straight? Probably not, but it's certainly fun to speculate. [Jossip]
• Tara Reid: Still drunk after all these years. [Socialite's Life]
• What's summer without a little sexual harassment for the interns? [Opinionistas]
• You know how the kids from MTV's reality show Laguna Beach are kinda, like, bitchy? More on that right here, from Lo's photo album. [SexyBiatch101]
• When isn't preference given to gay couples or Paris Hilton? [Craigslist]
• Planning ahead in the age of terror. [YouBlewMeUpYouBastard]
• More on the Dove ads: We love how it's SHOCKING to NOT use emaciated models. More reactions, please, we're so into this. [VV]