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Bad news from the land of useless Japanese gadgets and rare Italian hair gels: We hear that Condé Nast has pulled the plug on quasi-homo magalogue Cargo. We've put in our calls for comment; while wait for more information, we'll be creating a personal shopper position around Gawker HQ so that EIC Ariel Foxman can keep himself busy. Distract yourself from the pain, brother.

Let it be said that we're never happy to see a magazine die. But if this signifies the larger, official and irreversable death of the metrosexual, well, it's a noble sacrifice.

Update: We've got the official press release from Condé: Publication will cease with the May issue; president and CEO Charles Townsend says, "This was a difficult decision. Although initial readership and advertising response were encouraging, we now believe the market will not support our business expectations." On the bright side, Cargo subscribers will be trading up — they'll receive GQ for the remainder of their subscriptions.