
Canadian Cancer Scammer Arrested

Adrian Chen · 08/07/10 10:42AM

23-year-old Ashley Kirilow allegedly faked having cancer to raise $20,000 for her fraud charity. She turned herself in yesterday and has been charged with three counts of fraud, for which she faces up to two years in prison.

The Elaborate, Lucrative Cancer Lie of Ashley Kirilow

Adrian Chen · 08/06/10 10:27AM

Meet your new devious cancer-scammer: 23-year-old Toronto resident Ashley Kirilow. She shaved her head, waxed her eyebrows, plucked her eyelashes and allegedly scammed more than $20,000 through her charity, "Change" for the Cure.

Cold Cut Sandwiches: A (Potentially) Deadly Lunch

Jeff Neumann · 08/03/10 05:04AM

It wouldn't be summer without hot dogs and bologna sandwiches, right? Well, you might want to think twice before eating processed meats, because the nitrites and nitrates used to preserve, color and flavor them could cause bladder cancer.

Geologists Revolt Over Proposal to Change California State Rock

Max Read · 07/14/10 02:14AM

Geologists "have taken to Twitter" over a proposal to remove serpentine as California's state rock because it can contain asbestos. We're on the geologists' side, because asbestos-containing minerals seem like totally appropriate symbols of California. [NYT]

Have Allergies? At Least You're Less Likely to Get Cancer.

Max Read · 05/23/10 11:48PM

According to several new studies, people who sufferer from airborne allergies are significantly less likely to get some kinds of cancer, thanks to the immune system-boosting effect of allergies. Nerds! Do they ever not win in the long run? [NYP]

The Easiest Places in New York to Get Cancer

Jeff Neumann · 05/11/10 05:28AM

Need help finding a neighborhood to live in? The state Department of Health yesterday introduced its new cancer map that lets you see how many people in each census block have cancer, and what types of hazardous materials are nearby.

Tea Party Turns on Roger Ebert, Mocks His Cancer (Updated)

Ravi Somaiya · 05/09/10 01:05PM

The esteemed film critic and prolific tweeter criticized five kids who wore American flag T-shirts and bandannas to school on Cinco de Mayo. The Tea Party beast was awakened, and mocked his recent cancer and the disfigurement it left him.

Turning On The Light to Pee at Night Causes Cancer

Adrian Chen · 04/12/10 09:50PM

If there's anything science is good at, it's discovering new, strange ways for us to get cancer. Scientists have found a new one: Turning on the lights when you take a late-night trip to the bathroom. Thank you, science.