
Everyone Knows Numbers On The Cover Move Magazines

abalk2 · 08/07/06 11:34AM

Our tech industry expert over at Valleywag noted something interesting about BusinessWeek's recent cover story on's Kevin Rose: The piece was "originally titled 'Wealth Punks,'... The magazine also considered the bland 'Geeks 2.0' for the cover before settling on 'How this kid made $60 million in 18 months.'"

Digg fallout

Nick Douglas · 08/04/06 02:39PM

BusinessWeek's Kevin Rose cover story got a solid pounding in the online press today. The profile of Digg's founder earned these responses:

Marissa Mayer's 9 Notions of Innovation

Nick Douglas · 06/13/06 06:06PM

The world is made by people with lists — Nixon kept his enemies list, Machiavelli had his list of rules for a prince, and how could the Black Mamba have killed Bill without her list of katana-victims-to-be? That's why Marissa Mayer's 9 Notions of Innovation prove her worth to the world.

Media Softball: 'BizWeek' Is Better Than 'WSJ'

Jesse · 05/30/06 10:33AM

We missed this Friday because our email wasn't working quite right. (Today our web browser isn't working quite right. Fun!) But we know you don't want to be left behind on any details of media-softball season, so we must pass on news, even if a touch belatedly, that BusinessWeek pulled out a come-from-behind 9-8 victory over their rivals at The Wall Street Journal last week. So now you know who is clearly the superior source for business news.

Warning: Beware of the 'BusinessWeek' Copy Desk

Jesse · 04/20/06 04:45PM

Yesterday we brought you outraged memo from new BusinessWeek web honcho Charles DuBow, who is forced to suffer uppity copy editors who think they're entitled to rewrite his genius headlines. Today word arrives that perhaps DuBow ought to have a bit more respect for the copy desk, both because the editors there might help him and because otherwise they'll hurt him. How so?

Media Bubble: Because ABC's Biggest Problem Is Leaked Email

Jesse · 04/12/06 01:26PM

• Problem-ridden ABC News hunts for GMA email leaker. This much we know: It wasn't Krucoff. [NYO]
• Howell Raines' new memoir is good. [WP]
• Is Conde considering moving publishers around? Perhaps. [WWD]
• "The Feds yesterday arrested two young Wall Streeters and a mole at a Business Week print shop for running a trans-Atlantic insider trading scam that enlisted investment bank colleagues and a stripper to rack up $6.7 million in ill-gotten gains." It's ledes like this that make it impossible to stay mad at the Post. [NYP]
NYT names a new real-estate editor; Joyce Cohen has fun with capital letters. [HuntGrunt]
• 'Times' gets new ThuStyles deputy editor; remarkably it's not a gay man. She is, however, a former Observer m.e., which the Observer doesn't mention. [Media Mob/NYO]

It was MySpace all along!

ndouglas · 04/12/06 12:59PM

BusinessWeek covers MySpace's effort to pacify parents and lock down safety. So is this an awkwardly-placed ad, or a shot from "MySpace of the Apes"?