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BusinessWeek's Kevin Rose cover story got a solid pounding in the online press today. The profile of Digg's founder earned these responses:

  • Steve Rubel wins at life by showing the last time this happened. Pictured: Netscape founder Marc Andreesen, who's now cooling his heels at a low-profile startup. [Micro Persuasion]
  • The linguistically adept Techdirt calls Kevin a "vapor millionaire." [Techdirt]
  • Jason Fried, prophet of small business, calls BW's math "slippery." []
  • Jason Calacanis, manager of Netscape's Digg competitor, does some quick arithmetic and laughs at the resulting valuation-to-earnings ratio. []
  • The UK Guardian misses a perfectly good chance to snipe BW. [Guardian]
  • In a comment on Digg, Kevins says, "I'm not a millionaire." In fact, one of his employees had to buy him lunch yesterday. [Digg]
  • The community at Slashdot (Digg for old people) adds some witty retorts, including: "I've noticed that the level of discussion on Slashdot has improved since Digg 3.0 was unleashed." [Slashdot]
  • Blogger Rafat Ali won't listen to the story's accompanying podcast, for fear of nausea. [PaidContent]