We missed this Friday because our email wasn't working quite right. (Today our web browser isn't working quite right. Fun!) But we know you don't want to be left behind on any details of media-softball season, so we must pass on news, even if a touch belatedly, that BusinessWeek pulled out a come-from-behind 9-8 victory over their rivals at The Wall Street Journal last week. So now you know who is clearly the superior source for business news.

BusinessWeek's triumphant email is after the jump.

From: Lowry, Tom
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 12:02 PM
Subject: A Huge Win for BW

BusinessWeek came up big last night in a 9 to 8 come-from-behind, bottom-of-the-last-inning win over arch-rival The Wall Street Journal on our home turf in Riverside Park.

When most business journalists were still busy covering the Enron verdict, the two leading publications had a more important priority, so the "send" keys got pushed a whole lot earlier on Thursday. Decked out in new jerseys, BW played The Journal tight through most of the game, thanks in large part to some well-executed plays to get the outs at home plate. Thank you, Mr. Hindo, for the heads-up play.

Relentless, the Journal pulled away in the seventh to take an 8 to 5 lead, and things were looking pretty gloomy. But we shook it off, and played a game of patience at the plate in a last ditch effort to take home a rare win against The Journal. A walk was followed by another, and another. Runs scored. And suddenly we were looking at a tie game with star hitter (his fielding ain't too shabby either) Pradeep Varghese coming to the plate. Pra swatted one through the gap between first and second, bringing Geoff "The Big Red Machine" Gloeckler home for the winning run. All in all, a great win for BW against a great competitor. BW's record goes to 3-1.

Thanks to everybody who came out to play and cheer: Brian Hindo, Geoff Gloeckler, Del Hawbaker, Edith Gutierrez, Jan Simmonds, Jeff Fox, Jonathan Byrne, his girlfriend Jessica, Jay Petrow (& his kids William and Anna), Janie Ho, Kyle Sullivan, Martin and Jose Sanchez, Pra Varghese and John Byrne (our Six Sigma man in the dugout. Did I see him email from his Treo a quick plea for advice to Jack and Suzy when things looked dire in the top of the seventh?).

MVPS: Jose Sanchez (he threw 'em) and Brian Hindo (he caught 'em) for those highlight reel plays at the plate.

UP NEXT: MLB.COM next Thursday, June 1, on our field in Riverside Park.