
Reactions to Valleywag: Aw, shucks.

ndouglas · 04/12/06 12:16PM
  • BusinessWeek profiled little old me. Note: The Compaq Evo is being replaced by a refurbed Powerbook with working speakers. Continue sending loud and obnoxious videos. [BusinessWeek]

Selling Steve Jobs

ndouglas · 04/06/06 09:04PM

BusinessWeek gives another thousand words to anyone who will preach the Gospel of Apple — this time in yet another "present the way Steve Jobs presents!" puff piece. Corporate presentation coach Carmine Gallo treads where so many have tread before, with five points from Sales 101:

Lucasfilm is converging — eventually, anyway

ndouglas · 03/30/06 02:30AM

Early celebrations of Apple's 30th anniversary aren't the only gun-jumping stories this week. BusinessWeek interviews execs from Lucasfilm's two main divisions: film department Industrial Light & Magic and game maker LucasArts.

Media Bubble: Also, Brian Williams Is Ready for His Closeup

Jesse · 12/08/05 02:58PM

• ABC's Vargas and Woodruff announcement, says Tina Brown, proves that Norma Desmond is still big, it's the networks that got small. [WP]
• Newspapers! Not in as bad shape as you think they are! (Not yet, at least.) [NYT]
• Last week, the Today show hit 10 straight years — 520 weeks — as the top-rated morning show. Which we're sure will somehow be construed as further evidence of Katie Couric's divaness. [NYT]
BusinessWeek to shutter overseas editions. [NYT]

'BizWeek' Gets a Little Bit Sexier

Jesse · 10/12/05 04:34PM

One column a week not enough to satiate your jones for Sexy Jon Fine, BusinessWeek's "Media Centric" writer? Today's your lucky day, then, as the mag launched this morning Fine's new blog, cleverly titled "Fine On Media."

Media Bubble: Readers Are Fools

Jesse · 08/08/05 01:45PM

• God bless Jack Shafer, who writes what most journalists know but don't say: That readers are two-faced nincompoops. [Slate]
BusinessWeek gets hammered by new circ rules; other pubs likely to follow. [NYP]
• Natalee Holloway's Aruba disappearance is, while bad for Natalee, very, very good for Greta Van Susteren. [AP]
• Explaining the baby-mag boom. [Mediaweek]
Esquire announces five-year-plus series on building the Freedom Tower. [NYT]
• More proof of Simon Dumenco's very strange fantasy life: An imagined Thanksgiving at the Murdochs'. [Ad Age]
• Mediabistro's Elizabeth Spiers doesn't like women's magazines. Also, she is friends with people who are friends with Christopher Hitchens. [mb]
• On the recently wrapped MTV reality show Miss Seventeen, 17 girls compete to win an internship from Atoosa. [WWD, second item]

Softball: Causing Biz-Mag Staff Changes, Maybe

Jesse · 07/18/05 05:53PM

We received a press release an hour ago announcing that John Byrne, editor of Fast Company for the last two years, has left the magazine to join BusinessWeek. "This is the one job I could not turn down," Byrne said of his new gig in the FastCo-issued statement. "I have every confidence in Fast Company's editorial team and every confidence in the magazine's new owner to get the magazine to a new level of success."