
Holy Crap: New York City Visited by Hail Apocalypse

Max Read · 10/11/10 08:24PM

New York just got hit by one hell of a storm, depositing thousands of hail pellets (some reportedly as big as quarters) all over the city, leaving an inch or so of slush on the ground. Want to see pictures?

Park Slope Food Coop Menaced by Hooker Dog Thief

Remy Stern · 09/30/10 07:48PM

There are a lot of things one expects to see on the community bulletin board inside the Park Slope Food Coop: Ads for babysitters, ads for book groups, announcements of boycotts, announcements of counter-boycotts. Not usually on the list, however, is a handmade sign shouting "I hired a hooker and she stole my dog!!!! Waahhhh!!!"

The "Brooklyn Tornado Frat Boys" Are The New "Double Rainbow Guy"

Dan Grappone · 09/17/10 10:30AM

Where were you when that tornado just crept up and attacked Brooklyn for no good reason? Hopefully somewhere safe, 'cause that sucker did some damage! Watch video with brotastic remarks like "Dude, it's f*cking funneling!" inside.

Tornado Hits Twitter (Also, New York City)

Adrian Chen · 09/16/10 06:19PM

A tornado touched down this evening, causing widespread reports of destruction on Twitter. (And, reportedly, some destruction in Brooklyn.) Scary! Let's survey the damage.

A Film of Madonna Filming Her New Film in Brooklyn Today

Brian Moylan · 09/15/10 03:22PM

One intrepid reader found Madonna at S Fifth St. and Marcy Ave. in Williamsburg, Brooklyn today shooting scenes for her upcoming movie W.E.. He even filmed a video of her! Our Stalker game has officially been stepped up.

The Touching Story of Two Brooklynites in Love

Matt Toder · 08/23/10 10:25AM

Meet Danny and Annie, two Brooklynites married for 27 years and in love the entire time. Here's the story of their relationship, from first date to death, captured in a poignant animation by StoryCorps.