There are a lot of things one expects to see on the community bulletin board inside the Park Slope Food Coop: Ads for babysitters, ads for book groups, announcements of boycotts, announcements of counter-boycotts. Not usually on the list, however, is a handmade sign shouting "I hired a hooker and she stole my dog!!!! Waahhhh!!!"

A coop member and blogger just posted a photo of the flier in question, which features a woman in a glittery dress and heels surrounded by agitated scrawling that reads, in part, "Reward (500$) for any info leading to the arrest wanted for burglary grand larceny Please call if you see her or dog." Over the image, someone (probably not the original poster) has taped the bit about the hooker.

We're no forensic scientists, but we get the sense there's more to this story than just a dressed-up lady stealing somebody's dog. So the rest of Park Slope can probably rest easy—except for the poor blogger, who probably just incurred the wrath of the Coop by writing about it. Dude, if they boot you, call us! We know a really great CSA you can join.

Republished with permission from RackedNY. Authored by Izzy Grinspan. Photo via The Naparstek Post.