New York Sen. Chuck Schumer apparently got all worked up this morning at his Brooklyn polling station, after he showed up too early and waited for the voting machine to load. Don't these ignorant machines know who Chuck Schumer is?

Schumer, like many New York City voters, is not taking kindly to these new voting machines that don't even work. The Daily News' Celeste Katz dishes this witness report:

A party insider told me Schumer showed up at his polling place, P.S. 321 in Park Slope, Brooklyn, at 5:55 a.m.

"They don't open the polling place until 6:10... They can't figure out how to open the machine and he is, like, screaming at the staff that he wants to vote," the insider said.

Another source said, "First, the site opened late. Second, the room was in a different location. Third, there were only 2 machines, and workers told him there were supposed to be 8. And 4th, the machines did not boot-up on time."

Chuck Schumer's presumably annoying screams aside, these are reasonable complaints! Especially since reports of voting problems in Park Slope and elsewhere — the late openings to polling stations with a small number of half-working machines (which are rigged by the Corporates anyway) — are pretty widespread, and may call for a Bloomberg press conference later in the day.

Expect to see these polling stations stay open past hours tonight. So if you've somehow managed to vote already, go out and vote again!

Also: Have you been having hilarious or horrible voting experiences today? Did the machines become self-aware and injure you, once they started "working"? Please share your stories with us at

[Image via AP]