
Shovel Ready

Max Read · 01/19/11 03:58AM

[The weather in Brooklyn, N.Y. was really gross on Tuesday, as the poor person shoveling the sidewalk here could have told you. Image via AP]

The Brooklyn Blizzard Photographs Mystery

Richard Lawson · 01/18/11 03:08PM

A cross-country skier found a roll of film in Brooklyn's Prospect Park after the December 26th blizzard and, curious, developed the film. Now he's trying to track down the unknown photographers, using the power of YouTube. Help him, won't you?

4chan Is Not Very Scary In Real Life

Adrian Chen · 01/15/11 04:45PM

What's the Internet's scariest hivemind like in real life? A bunch of geeky twenty-somethings hanging out in a bar in Brooklyn. This is what I learned last night at the first official meetup for the notorious message board 4chan.

Trailers Aren't Just for Movies Anymore

Matt Cherette · 01/07/11 07:48PM

Movies and their trailers have always been symbiotic. These days, there's a trailer to preview any upcoming film—and if there isn't one, well, good luck at the box office. A new trend, though, is *drumroll* trailers for books!

Let's Start Freaking Out About This Big Northeast Snowstorm

Adrian Chen · 12/25/10 02:28PM

According to weather reports, the blizzard that's dumped on the Southeast is headed our (New York's) way! There is a "Winter Storm Watch" in effect today for many parts of the Northeast! SNOWMAGEDDON 2010!?!?!?!? Let's get panicky, sweaty, ready.

The Island of Mislit Toys

Brian Moylan · 12/23/10 05:30PM

[It's like a toy store exploded in the front yard of this Brooklyn home, one of many that had elaborate lighting displays—and huge power bills—for Christmas. A few more pictures from the 'hood below.]

Playboy TV Thinks Brooklyn Is Full of Nymphomaniacs

Brian Moylan · 12/14/10 04:01PM

Playboy TV, the fuzzy obsession of every teenage male, is trying to rebrand and find new audiences with programming that will appeal to couples. Their newest reality show Brooklyn Kind of Love is just as befuddling as you'd imagine.

Vigilante Blogger Exposes Teen Vandals Through Facebook Statuses

Adrian Chen · 11/04/10 10:23PM

This Halloween, teens descended on a Brooklyn neighborhood and proceeded to act like snotty teens on Halloween. A local blogger documented the mayhem, befriended some of the teens on Facebook, then posted their profiles and incriminating status updates.

Brooklyn Teens Shocked That Spike Lee Likes Money

Jeff Neumann · 11/02/10 05:07AM

A group of Brooklyn teens this summer took to the streets of Bed-Stuy to count billboards and posters that promote alcohol in their neighborhood. The most frequently spotted ad? "A Spike Lee Collaboration" with Absolut Vodka. How shocking!

Is This Guy the Most Entertaining Jeopardy! Contestant Ever?

Matt Cherette · 10/19/10 07:59PM

Jon Golbe is an actor/TV writer/Brooklynite. Tonight, Golbe was a contestant on Jeopardy!, and—for several, possibly unknown reasons—he stole the show more than any other contestant in recent memory. Inside, a compilation of Golbe's best (or worst?) moments.