
Techcest: Why Brian Alvey owned

ndouglas · 04/21/06 05:42PM

This year, as every year, Brian Alvey of the Weblogs, Inc. Network renewed UPDATE: Brian Alvey of Weblogs Inc. doesn't still own, but because his WIN partner Jason Calacanis sold it along with the Silicon Alley Reporter, he's been listed as owning the domain ever since the first boom.

Hot models hate the TechCrunch effect

ndouglas · 04/14/06 10:54AM

The TechCrunch effect: getting covered on Michael Arrington's tech blog makes business boom, it gets you into parties, it makes jerk-off Valley men treat your modeling site like a San Jose strip club. The owner of wrote Valleywag this letter:

Reactions to Valleywag: Aw, shucks.

ndouglas · 04/12/06 12:16PM
  • BusinessWeek profiled little old me. Note: The Compaq Evo is being replaced by a refurbed Powerbook with working speakers. Continue sending loud and obnoxious videos. [BusinessWeek]

Blog-wiki gang wars

ndouglas · 04/11/06 03:39PM

Yesterday, Metroblogging co-founder Sean Bonner slammed t-shirt seller Threadless for throwing up what he threw down: the blog gangsign. Then BoingBoing picked up the story and taught the controversy: Sean Bonner invented not only the blog sign, but the Bloods gang sign, and he makes five cents every time the gang (a REAL GANG. with BLACK PEOPLE) throws the sign. (It must be true! It's on a blog!)

Richard Ault: Still leaving Technorati.

ndouglas · 04/05/06 05:40PM

A day after he told the world, Richard Ault told his friends. Technorati's product marketing director finally e-mailed his contacts about his new job at Metroblogging, even though he blogged it yesterday. I can only imagine Richard spending the day asking folks: "So how about my new job, isn't it gr— What? You didn't hear— DOESN'T ANYONE READ MY BLOG?"

Fool's droppings

ndouglas · 04/03/06 10:13AM

Oh, Internet, you are so cute. Over the weekend, the Button-down-wearing White Guys of the Net made their blatantly disclaimered April Fool's Day gags:

Google blogger: pressure means love

ndouglas · 03/30/06 09:25PM

It's unsettling enough to see an official Google blogger anthropomorphize — and then interview — the 300x250 AdSense block. But when she starts projecting onto it, things get creepy. AdSense employee Suzie Dewey has the AdSense ad say:

Blogger of Venus

ndouglas · 03/30/06 09:12PM

First off, I've no idea why blogger-hater site Those Bastards tagged Robert Scoble as "Girlie Men." Not that it's insulting, more that it's conceptually confusing. Whatever.

Blogfinder: the perfect linkbait

ndouglas · 03/29/06 10:51AM

You know those joke sites with the serious lead-up to a punchline, where the "monitor test" or "Let the computer draw you" test gives you one answer no matter what you put in? And how you should only pass on the joke with the same straight face?