What Danny Sullivan hates about Google

Well of course Danny Sullivan already wrote his story, "25 Things I Hate About Google." When he posted his "25 Things I Love" counterpart at ClickZ today, it should have been clear he was repurposing a week-old idea from his own ClickZ site, Search Engine Watch — idea recycling is what we bloggers do. And he'd already carried that idea to the other side with a hate list.
So here's the quick follow-up to Valleywag's Danny Sullivan translation. In "I Love," he praised VP Marissa Mayer, Google-blogger Matt Cutts, and the Plexpeople in general. In "I Hate," here's what Danny says against the staff of the search colossus:
And every word of it scathing.
25 Things I Hate About Google [Search Engine Watch]
Earlier: Translating Danny Sullivan [Valleywag]