Update roundup: No Cruise for you

Sometimes, after Valleywag reports on things, they keep happening. Follow-ups to a few recent stories:
That was over fast. Yahoo's talent acquisition lead says this Tom Cruise poster is fake.
Jason Calacanis is just the next in a line of Netscape kings. Former Netscape exec Susan Mernit blogs, "It seems like Netscape has had 5 strategies—and almost as many GMs—in 5 years." So it's a real pass-fail test for Jason: fix this broken little division, or show he's just another schlub.
Federated Media Publishing sticks up a tech portal page. Commence countdown to angry non-member backlash.
Earlier on Valleywag:
Tom Cruise Audits Yahoo [Today]
Netscape is the new Digg [Thursday]
FM Publishing might add a portal page [Feb 24]