
Girl Saves Lethally Ugly Pony

Maureen O'Connor · 06/21/10 11:11AM

Diego the pony is so ugly he was nearly euthanized. But six-year-old Maddison Biddlecombe "fell in love" with the hideous foal and is fighting to rescue him from the glue factory. Meet The Beautiful Baby and the Equine Beast.

Just Saying "Hey"

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/15/10 05:45PM

This video compiles the best of that ubiquitous beauty vlogger greeting "hey guys!" into a spiraling mess of salutations, in which syllables lose their meaning entirely. How much "hey" can you stand?

How Are We Fooling Ourselves Today?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/10 11:48AM

Are we sex addicts, or just terrible people? Are our obese children going to live into adulthood, or are we just terrible people? Are those eyelashes real, or are you a terrible person? Science has answers. Bad answers.

Moisturizer Is the New Prozac

cityfile · 12/29/09 12:25PM

How are cosmetics manufacturers planning to get you to invest in very expensive bottles of new skin cream next year? By promising that they contain substances that "induce positive moods" and "improve sleep quality," naturally. [Independent]

The Rachel Uchitel Info You've Been Waiting For

cityfile · 12/22/09 03:18PM

If you've been looking at the photos of Rachel Uchitel in the tabloids and wondering how you, too, can achieve such "luscious hair and long locks," you'll be thrilled to hear that a website has finally assembled the ultimate primer on Uchitel's tresses in a piece entitled "Hair Envy: Rachel Uchitel's Hair Secrets Revealed!" You're very welcome. [FameSpy]

Pick Your Fat-Filled Poison

cityfile · 12/14/09 03:03PM

If that commercial of a guy guzzling liquid fat wasn't up your alley, maybe this video of a woman munching on lipstick (to illustrate the point that "women consume seven pounds of fatty lipstick in their lifetimes") is more your style? It seems there's a nasty PSA for everyone today! [HuffPo]


cityfile · 11/20/09 11:58AM

One way the White House and Senate Democrats plan to pay to overhaul the health care system? By imposing a five percent tax on cosmetic procedures like breast implants, face lifts, tummy tucks, and Botox. The provision, which is projected to raise $6 billion over the next 10 years, has plastic surgeons up in arms, not surprisingly. But considering a slightly disproportionate number of cosmetic surgery consumers are Republicans, it may be a clever political move for Democrats. Even if it wreaks havoc on Nancy Pelosi's personal budget in the process. [AP]

Today's Life Lesson

cityfile · 11/04/09 01:58PM

It's probably not a good idea to have the person who regulary gives you massages be the same person who also performs liposuction on you when the need arises. Thank you. [NYT]

Home of the Vain, Thin

cityfile · 10/29/09 01:38PM

Congrats! The website Total Beauty has concluded that New York is America's "vainest" city. The proof? Residents here spend more on hair coloring, skin care, makeup and hair growth products than those in every other city in America. But we save on food, so it all works out! [Total Beauty via NYM]

Bunny Lines = Botox

cityfile · 10/09/09 10:47AM

New Yorkers aren't exactly shy about their fondness for Botox. But if a woman isn't prepared to spill her beauty secrets—or you suspect she's lying to you—there are some clues to indicate whether she's an addict.

Long Live Long Lashes (Side Effects and All)

cityfile · 09/23/09 01:22PM

We trust that, like any self-respecting woman, you're no longer sporting the pathetic stunted eyelashes you had to go out and buy, but have been using Latisse to grow lashes that are "longer, thicker and darker." And as shocking as it might be that Latisse manufacturer Allergan, in its noble quest to save us from the shame of small eyelashes, would mislead its customers, the FDA recently sent out a letter warning the company that it's been minimizing some of the risks associated with use of the product.