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Those fish pedicures that no one was actually getting, but which managed to generate loads of press nonetheless? State Senator Jeffrey Klein of the Bronx announced yesterday that he plans to introduce legislation to ban the "treatment," since "you can't sanitize fish" and it's "dangerous and clearly unsanitary."

Why Klein feels the need to make an issue out of this (and follow behind 14 other states that have banned it) isn't clear, especially since no one's actually filed a complaint about the pedicures up until now. (That's probably because the only people who have been getting them are reporters reporting on the "trend.") But one of the few places that Klein claims had been offering the service, Astoria's Ritz Nails, now says it's no longer providing it to its customers. And now thousands of innocent carp, who have few employment prospects to begin with, will soon be now out of work.

Let's just hope that no one mentions those bird poop facials and spermine treatments to Sen. Klein. A full-fledged war on the beauty industry could follow!

— Molly Fahner

Pol pushes to ban fish pedicures [NYP]
State Legislator Attempts to Ban 'Fish Pedicure' [1010 WINS]
Related: New York's Most Bizarre Beauty Rituals [Cityfile]