The Maison Hermès window display in Japan by Tokujin Yoshioka, and The Digital Dandelion exhibition at the V&A in London by Sennep and Yoke both take digital imagery and have it interact organically (and beautifully) with the real world.

The exhibition at V&A, entitled Decode, launched today to showcase developments in interactive design. This display by Sennep and Yoke, one of the larger installations, is of an electric hair dryer interacting dynamically with a digital dandelion. Whimsy!

Dandelion_New from Sennep on Vimeo.

Tokujin Yoshioka's display in the Hermès window in Japan is similar in theory, only reversed. While the real hair dryer blew a digital dandelion, here, digital people blow on a real scarf. Yoshioka:

I intended to express people's daily 'movements' with a suspicion of humor. there are moments when I perceive a hidden presence of a person in the movements born naturally in daily life. I created a design where one can perceive someone behind the scarves as if life were being breathed into them.