
Occupy Wall Street Finally Gets Porta-Potties

Max Read · 11/05/11 03:15PM

Three portable restrooms (pictured) intended for Occupy Wall Street protesters have been installed two blocks from Zuccotti Park, relieving the local McDonald's of bathroom duty, smoothing over relationships with local residents and squeezing out a win for the occupation.

Restaurant Tries to Ban Men from Peeing Standing Up

Brian Moylan · 10/12/11 11:51AM

Of all the stupid things in all the world, a restaurant in Canada is trying to ban men from their God-given right to pee standing up. That's right, the last acceptable (semi-)public display of masculinity is now being brought to its knees—or rather to its ass on a slimy, germ-filled toilet seat. Sad.

Pissed-Off Acting Legend Pisses in Aisle of Airplane

Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/11 11:57AM

Gérard Depardieu was on an airplane with 100 other people and had to pee, but the flight attendant said he couldn't go until after takeoff. So the legendary French actor took matters into his own hands: He whipped out his dick and peed in the aisle. No, seriously:

The Toilet from Hell

Ravi Somaiya · 05/28/10 11:38AM

One Tuesday last June a man stopped at this gas station in Tennessee to use the bathroom. The toilet "malfunctioned." What happened next left him with "urologic injury, neck injury, prostatic trauma with urinary retention… and trembles from pain."

Meet the 14-Year-Old Toilet Aficionado 'ToiletDude7'

Adrian Chen · 05/16/10 02:43PM

On March 24, 2009, Toiletdude7 recorded himself flushing a Universal Rundle Atlas toilet and uploaded it to YouTube. Since then, he's uploaded more than 183 videos of toilets flushing. We spoke to ToiletDude7 about his unusual passion.

Everybody Poops: A Media Bathroom Compendium (Updated)

Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/10 11:37AM

As media jobs grow ever scarcer, the chance that you'll ever behold the inner sanctum of a newspaper or magazine grows slimmer. Until now. We are here, dear readers, to expose media bathrooms far and wide. With your help.

The Time 5WPR Had a Nasty Ladies Room

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/09 02:32PM

It's a Christmas miracle: a tipster has forwarded us a historic May, 2007 internal staff email from our favorite public relations powerhouse, 5WPR. It seems someone (ladies) could not keep the poop flushed and the tampons put away properly.