As media jobs grow ever scarcer, the chance that you'll ever behold the inner sanctum of a newspaper or magazine grows slimmer. Until now. We are here, dear readers, to expose media bathrooms far and wide. With your help.

Just imagine: the chance to catch an unaltered glimpse of the place where the "movers and shakers" of the glamorous media world do their dirtiest business. (Unless they're really important and have their own private bathrooms, of course.) What could we learn? What company could we prove is especially stank? All these questions can be answered, dear waste-obsessed media moles. We are asking you, the media-employed public, to send us photos of the bathrooms of your media company (subject line: media bathroom). We will create a great collection, and then, using our powers of making shit up, probably draw some dubious conclusions. It will be awesome. We've got a few here to get you started.

The New York Post

The New York Post


Time Out NY

Time Out NY

Gawker Media




The Nation

The Nation

Mark Batty Publisher


SF Bay Guardian (shared by!)


McGraw Hill