[There was a video here]

Yesterday on Way Too Early with Willie Geist, boldly wrong journopundit Mark Halperin phoned in an appearance from the lavatory of a Delta airplane.

Can you imagine being on the airplane when this happened? Seeing this strange D.C. creature saunter over to the bathroom, laptop computer tucked under his arm. He locks himself inside for 20 minutes, a time during which time everyone else's bandwidth screeches to a halt. Through the vinyl door and the hiss of canned air, you can hear his voice, faintly, repeating the names of men. Chris Christie… Ronald Reagan… Willie... Thank you, Willie. Thank you. Thank you.

TV Newser notes that Geist once did an interview from inside of a port-a-potty. I suddenly feel like I know way too much about the Willie Geist's producers' bathroom habits. [MSNBC, TVNewser]