
Public Restroom Finder

cityfile · 11/12/08 02:01PM

Punch in your zip code and will show you all the public restrooms in your immediate vicinity. And, yes, the site offers an iPhone app, so you can take advantage of the service when you're walking down Broadway and your bladder is about to explode. [SitorSquat via Buzzfeed]

The Angst Of The Toothbrush

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/08 08:57AM

Your toothbrush holders: Are they sufficiently adaptable to our dynamic modern age? It's not the type of question you want to tackle on your own. Thankfully we have the paper of record to help guide us through the wild twists and turns of this perilous issue. And any story that includes the phrase "the powers at the major toothbrush makers" without so much as a qualifying chuckle has got to have something important to say.