
Elizabeth Warren Is Right About Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/15 04:58PM

This afternoon, Massachusetts Senator and presidential non-candidate Elizabeth Warren spoke to a crowd of 200 sweaty fans at the Strand book store in Manhattan. Everything she said was true, which is fairly remarkable, for a politician.

America the Unequal Can't Last Forever

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/15 01:10PM

America has money. Which is better than not having money. But all of the money in America is going to the rich. This is our basic problem.

How JPMorgan Robbed a Church

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/15 12:15PM

A church that gave its money to JPMorgan Chase to manage says that the bank robbed it blind. Here is a useful window into how legalized robbery on Wall Street works.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/12/14 10:25AM

"You've seen a little bit of a tension between capital and labor," says Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein. Hey, let's not go overboard.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/14 03:59PM

In a new study, "bankers were about as honest as anyone else — until they were reminded that they were bankers."

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/14 09:18AM

Bill Gross, the head of bond firm Pimco, was paid $290 million last year—and then got fired this year! Everybody knows that the financial world is the purest example of pay accruing to winners solely by merit.

Bankers Can't Even Fucking Party Any More

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/14 08:54AM

Used to be that bankers were men—big men, who were at least bluffing at having big dicks, who worked themselves half to death, then partied like rock stars, if rock stars were incredibly boring conversationalists. Nowadays? Banks are trying to make their employees fucking church ladies.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/14 04:05PM

Recently defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is joining an investment bank, where he will get rich advising corporate clients on deals. Meanwhile, enrollment in the food stamp program, for which Cantor voted to cut funding, is down. So everyone is doing well.

Wall Street Math: Raise Pay No Matter What

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/14 10:01AM

It's not an easy time for gigantic Wall Street banks. Not easy, I tell you! In the challenging post-recession business environment, thousands of Wall Street layoffs have not been enough to keep profits high. Where's all the money going?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/14 10:08AM

The trend of Wall Street banks coddling their disgustingly weak employees continues: Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman said that the death of one young banker last year after round-the-clock work "has caused everyone to step back and say, 'Hey, have we got this right?'"

You Are Paying an Insane Amount in Overdraft Fees

Hamilton Nolan · 04/02/14 10:01AM

In 2010, federal regulators banned some of the more egregiously customer-screwing bank fees. In response, banks are just using overdraft fees to continue sucking you dry.