
Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/14 05:24PM

A new research paper says there is evidence that five major banks may have been improperly colluding to manipulate the price of gold for the past decade. Shocking behavior, if true.

Of Course Jamie Dimon Got a Raise

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/14 10:02AM

If you are a "normal" person with "common sense" values who doesn't always "get" the way that Wall Street works, here is a very simple lesson.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/14 09:31AM

Billions of dollars of legal costs related to endless findings of wrongdoing cost JPMorgan Chase only 27 cents per share in the fourth quarter. The company's profits fell to a mere $5.28 billion in the past three months. The bank is no doubt severely chastened by the serious consequences for its misdeeds.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/08/14 09:19AM

JPMorgan has agreed to pay a settlement of $2.6 billion for charges related to the bank's failure to stop Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. In the past two years, the bank has paid close to $30 billion in legal settlements. That number is smaller than JPMorgan's profits, so Jamie Dimon will never get fired.

Crush Nepotism Wherever It Lives

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/13 12:18PM

The New York Times reported yesterday that JPMorgan Chase is under federal investigation for hiring the children of China's elite with the explicit goal of boosting the bank's business prospects. Good. Nepotism on Wall Street is just as gross as nepotism at the media outlets that cover Wall Street.

We Could Use More Small Banks

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/13 12:48PM

America now has 6,891 federally insured banking institutions. That's the fewest we've had since 1934. Though it may cause reflexive distaste, it is a fact: we could use more banks.

Goldman Sachs Is Treating Its Employees Like Pussies

Hamilton Nolan · 10/29/13 11:28AM

I believe you're familiar with my friend—Goldman Fucking Sachs. Tell me something: does Goldman Fucking Sachs look like a bitch? No? Then why are Goldman Fucking Sachs employees being treated like bitches?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/13 03:48PM

Federal prosecutors are reportedly seeking a guilty plea on "at least a single criminal charge" from JPMorgan in relation to allegations that the bank purposely turned a blind eye to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

Jamie Dimon Vs. JPMorgan: One Must Go

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/13 09:11AM

Jamie Dimon is one of the most admired CEOs on Wall Street. Under his watch, JPMorgan Chase has been penalized for multiple legal violations, capped by the largest legal fines in banking history. Should Jamie Dimon be fired? Well, if not, his bank should be destroyed.

Here Is Perhaps the Single Biggest Ripoff on Wall Street

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 09:51AM

Do you or a loved one have an investment account—perhaps for retirement? Is any of that money invested in a "managed futures" fund? If so, stop reading now and pull that money out immediately. It is being stolen from you as we speak.

Occupy Banking: Yes, Please

Hamilton Nolan · 10/01/13 09:07AM

A spinoff group from the Occupy movement is seeking to launch its own prepaid debit card, as a prelude to offering a more complete set of financial services. Ridiculous? Not at all. In fact, taking over some of Wall Street's business could be the most useful thing Occupy Wall Street could do.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/13 03:44PM

JPMorgan Chase is reportedly considering an $11 billion settlement over its handling of mortgage-backed securities leading up to the recession. "Billion" with a "B."

This Megabank Lawyer Pays Lower Rent Than You For No Good Reason

John Cook · 09/17/13 03:17PM

There's a brief and enraging—to New York City's renting class, at least—aside in Constance Rosenblum's Sunday New York Times Real Estate piece about committed couples who live apart. In describing Michael Kenny and Ingrid Doyle's two-apartment love affair, Rosenblum mentions that Kenny, a 62-year-old "lawyer with Citigroup," has for years held on to his "rent-stabilized two-bedroom in a rehabilitated tenement on West 116th Street in South Harlem...for which he pays under $2,000 a month." Let me put that in context.

The Prosecutions From the Financial Crisis Are Just About Over

Hamilton Nolan · 09/12/13 12:17PM

Five years ago, the world economy melted down. About four and a half years ago, an outcry began in earnest for the SEC to track down and bring cases against the people and institutions responsible for the meltdown. How's that going?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/13 03:59PM

Daryl Lane Woods, chairman of Missouri's Main Street Bank and an idiot, has pleaded guilty to using $381K in federal bank bailout funds to buy a condo in Fort Myers, FL, which sucks.