
This Could Be You! (For the Low, Low Price of $40)

cityfile · 08/21/09 01:04PM

Listen up, aspiring actors and musicians! On August 28th, you can forget the fact you're waiting tables and you don't have an agent and delude yourself into thinking you're a star! A company called EL-Nightlife is holding an event called "A Walk Down the Red Carpet." If you've ever wanted to "feel and look like a celebrity for the night," you'll be thrilled to hear that EL-Nightlife is now making it happen. Because "anyone can purchase tickets for $40 and elevate them selves [sic] to super-star [sic] status." Details on this exciting event, the absurd press release, and some background on the illustrious founder of EL-Nightlife, Grigorij "Greg" Richters, after the jump.

DIY Plastic Surgery Is Never a Good Idea

cityfile · 07/20/09 01:17PM

Lots of people are looking to save a few bucks these days. One thing you probably should not do as you search for ways to trim your budget: Attempt to perform plastic surgery on yourself at home.

Let's Screw Up the Entire Internet to Save Newspapers

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/09 12:09PM

The hot new idea among people who think about "journalism," and the sanctity thereof: let's ban linking, on the internet! Let's also ban wheels, in order to save the horse industry. Let's also ban talking about things!

Crazy Congresswoman to Appear on Crazy Radio Program

Pareene · 06/29/09 02:49PM

On the one hand, Alex Jones is a (terribly entertaining) unhinged conspiracy theorist who rants about the New World Order and FEMA Concentration Camps and produces crazy movies about how 9/11 was an inside job and how Barack Obama is basically Hitler. All of this is well and good for a late-night radio talk show host! But for an elected member of the House of Representatives to appear on his show might strike some people as a sort of implicit endorsement of his more outre beliefs.

Here Comes the Dog

cityfile · 06/24/09 01:47PM

Please don't insist on having your dogs attend your wedding. Don't dress them up in special outfits, or make them play the role of ringbearer. Don't require they sit for wedding photos. Or send them for pre-wedding beauty treatments. Your guests may smile politely and tell you what a cute idea it is. These are the same people who will be laughing at you for weeks to come. (Unless, that is, the person is blind and it's a seeing-eye dog we're talking about, in which case ignore what you just read.) Next thing you know people are going to start holding bar mitzvahs for their canines or something. Oh, right. Too late. [NYDN]

Rich Guys Blog, To Make You Mad

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/09 11:02AM

The failing San Francisco Chronicle has started—in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression—a blog by two idly rich guys. Topic: "What's it like to be rich?" Lots of dodging pitchforks, I imagine.

Bright Idea Saves Newspapers

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/09 03:14PM

Here it is, at long last, the idea that will save print and the newspaper industry as a whole! It's deceptively simple! And the chances of it backfiring horribly are...even or better!