
Amazon's Very Big, Very Small Kindle Expansion

Andrew Belonsky · 10/07/09 05:01AM

Amazon's a modern day Don Quixote. The company will expand its Kindle service across the globe, but won't look past the device's book-related origins. No touchscreen here. And, thus, no competition for Apple's forthcoming tablet. Silly Jeff Bezos! [Reuters]

Do We Need Another Eastwick?

Andrew Belonsky · 09/23/09 05:45AM

John Updike's The Witches of Eastwick has been a book, a film, a sequel and people have twice tried — and failed — to make it into a television series. Now ABC has done just that, but is it wise?

America, You're To Blame For Hollywood's Artistic Decline

Andrew Belonsky · 09/08/09 01:50AM

Much hay has been made over Hollywood's growing reliance on the remake. Creativity is dead, yes, we know, but, more importantly, the silver screen's recycling kick also acts as an endorsement for mediocrity. And it's all your fault!