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Lots of people are looking to save a few bucks these days. One thing you probably should not do as you search for ways to trim your budget: Attempt to perform plastic surgery on yourself at home.

Just ask "Mary," who says she thought she'd hit the "beauty jackpot" when she found bottles of silicone on the Internet for $10 a piece, which she thought she could use plump up her cheeks and lips. Alas, the bottles turned out to be filled with personal lubricant and she's permanently scarred as a result.

If you've been looking to put that giant bottle of K-Y in your bathroom to good use, pumping it into your skin is probably not advisable. But using it for more mundane tasks—like lubricating "sticky" zippers and stuck-on rings—is still safe for the time being.

Woman's DIY Plastic Surgery 'Nightmare' [ABC News]