Ever feel like Twitter is just too, well, free? A new company allows you to pay for select tweets. To prove this is a terrible idea, fallen loudmouth banker Tim Sykes has jumped on board.

People are notoriously loathe to pay for well-researched original Web content, so you have to admire the chutzpah of Super Chirp, which is bravely going into the business of selling access to Twitterized brain farts. The company doesn't even have this sad market to itself.

What compelling, original content is Super Chirp launching with? A celebrity Twitter stream? Status updates from some nerd God?

Not quite. The standout among the scant debut offerings is a $10/month feed from Tim Sykes, former star of reality show Wall Street Warriors, who in 2007 ended his hedge fund career with foolish stock bets, earning the title "Trading's Buffoon" from the same publication that had once named him among Wall Street's hot "30 under 30."

Now a Twitter denizen, Sykes urges you to "screw it, sign up" for "real-time trade alerts form [sic] me." How can you resist?

Update: Sykes takes to Twitter (of course) to respond to this post: "Are people really so dense they can't see how valuable real-time info is? Bring it gossip columnists." Of course, his business partner Adarsh Pallian gives a more honest assessment: "@timothysykes on gawker and @pallian on techcrunch - not a bad press day."