
Drunken Idiot Tries to Pedal Bike Mounted on Storefront

Jay Hathaway · 12/30/14 02:35PM

At the urging of a "friend," this presumably inebriated definitely idiot attempted to scale the half-bicycle mounted 12 feet up—for decorative purposes only, it should be emphasized—on the façade of RV&E Bikes in Canandaigua, New York. You already know what happened next.

This Cop Could Not Have Made a Stupider Fucking T-Shirt

Jay Hathaway · 12/17/14 04:00PM

"I can't breathe," the last words Eric Garner spoke before he died of an NYPD-delivered chokehold, have been adopted as a powerful statement against police brutality and institutional racism. But one cop/uniform company owner prefers a different slogan, one that reassures you you'll be able to keep breathing as long as you don't cross a police officer.

FSU Lecturer Loses Job Over Rant Against "Filthy Rodent Muslims"

Adam Weinstein · 12/10/14 11:50AM

A senior business communications instructor at Florida State University left her job but refused to apologize last week after blaming "filthy rodent Muslims" for ruining France and telling a prominent gay hairstylist on Facebook to "Take your Northern fagoot [sic] elitism and shove it up your ass."

Soon Every Brand Will Have a Smell

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/14 09:30AM

Sure, the techniques that brands use to advertise themselves have reached Minority Report levels of dystopian profiling and intrusiveness. But are they intrusive enough? Aren't there any more of your senses that advertisers can exploit for their own nefarious ends?

Mastermind Who Tried to Underwear-Smuggle Cash to ISIS Is Going to Jail

Jason Parham · 11/13/14 04:28PM

Your 20s are meant to be a time of self-reflection and discovery. Bad decisions are inevitable. Amal El-Wahabi knows all about bad decisions. In January, the 28-year-old tried to smuggle money to her husband—a member of ISIS—by concealing it in her friend's underwear. The plan, for obvious reasons, failed.

CIA Report: The CIA Is Fucking Useless

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/14 09:22AM

The latest findings from our nation's top intelligence and black ops agency: our black ops have historically been pretty fucking worthless.

These Poor Hollywood Stars Are the Only Ones Still Playing Angry Birds

Jay Hathaway · 10/01/14 05:15PM

SNL alums Jason Sudeikis, Bill Hader and Maya Rudolph, along with Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage, will lead the voice cast of Angry Birds, an animated tie-in movie based on a mobile phone game people liked in 2012. By the time the film comes out in 2016, they'll be the only ones still playing Angry Birds. (And some of them are playing green pigs instead.)

Gambling Will Never Save Us

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/14 09:07AM

As Boardwalk Empire begins its final season, so does real life Atlantic City, where grand casinos are closing at an unprecedented clip. Our elected leaders' solution to these financial troubles? More gambling. It will never work.

Bearded Welsh Hero Drinks Entire Bottle of Jack in 15 Seconds

Jay Hathaway · 09/04/14 03:40PM

Meet the new King of Wales, Will Williams. He recently consumed an entire bottle of Jack Daniel's in just shy of 15 seconds, which, I'm given to understand, entitles him to some kind of sword-in-the-stone style claim on the monarchy that supersedes the current hereditary system. And makes Wales independent, for some reason. Congratulations/sorry, Wales!

App Allows the Men of Atlanta to Creep on Their Favorite Cheerleaders

Allie Jones · 08/27/14 11:13AM

If you are an Atlanta Falcons season-ticket holder and enjoy the company of professional cheerleaders, congratulations: you can now order a cheerleader to your stadium seat via app. To uh, take a picture. It's a plot only creepy NFL marketers and anti-social app developers could devise.

John Oliver Explains How Payday Loans Will Keep Screwing You Forever

Jay Hathaway · 08/11/14 10:40AM

Payday loan companies screw customers with annual interest rates as high as 1900%, and base their entire business model on the fact that desperate debtors will never be able to pay them back. On the latest Last Week Tonight, John Oliver explained all the ways they're fucking you, in uncomfortable detail.