
Giraffe Dies After Hitting Its Head on Low Highway Bridge

Taylor Berman · 07/31/14 02:25PM

A giraffe being driven down a highway in South Africa died on Thursday after its head collided with a low bridge. Witnesses described the horrific scene and posted pictures of the giraffe taken just before the accident to Twitter.

Watch a Maryland Republican Sing "Dixie" With His Fellow Secessionists

Adam Weinstein · 07/29/14 02:23PM

Michael Peroutka is a former candidate for president of the United States. He's currently running as a Republican for a council seat in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Around 1:55 in the video above, watch him grab a guitar, ask everyone to "stand for the national anthem," and start belting out "Dixie."

Iraq-Serving Senator Plagiarized His Army War College Thesis

Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 03:18PM

John Walsh looks and sounds like a senator. The Democrat, who replaced retiring Max Baucus earlier this year and is running for reelection this fall, leans on his 33-year as a decorated combat soldier. But like a senator, he may have cheated and stolen to keep that career on track.

CNN Anchor: Excuse My Pun About This Disaster That Killed Hundreds

Jay Hathaway · 07/21/14 11:50AM

When discussing a tragedy involving massive loss of human life, it's natural to wonder when it becomes OK to make humor—say, some horrible, on-the-nose wordplay—part of the healing process. Some popular answers include "never" and "definitely not while you're still reporting from the scene of the disaster."

Pamplona Bull Gores Author of How to Survive the Bulls of Pamplona

Adam Weinstein · 07/09/14 09:50AM

The guy on the ground in the Associated Press photo above is Bill Hillman, 35, of Chicago, who for more than a decade has run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, and just last month helped write the book on how to survive the ritual. Yesterday, the bull won. But it's not as bad as it looks!

Adam Weinstein · 07/02/14 05:00PM

Do you like Hooters but find it too disarming? Try Shooters, the Rifle, Colorado, bar and grill where every waitress is strapped with a six-gun. "People can come in carrying their gun, and they can pray over their food," the owner says, adding that the joint has "guns and Jesus all over the place."

NSA Spook-Turned-Twitter-Pundit Goes Dark After Dick Pic Surfaces

Adam Weinstein · 06/23/14 03:05PM

A well-known conservative pundit and secrecy expert who once worked as an NSA officer has deleted all of his social media accounts after screenshots leaked this weekend that appeared to show him sending sexy messages and a shot of his soft penis to a Twitter follower who was not his wife.

The GOP Will Try to Entice You With This Shitshow of an Ad

Adam Weinstein · 06/16/14 04:55PM

Is it trying to get you to associate the Republican Party with SportsCenter? Hoping you'll fall for a lovable anti-Clinton mascot costume? Trying to court nut producers for donations? Who knows? The point is: Reince Priebus wanted it, and it's in HD, so watch the damn turd.

The Campaign Manager Who Beat Eric Cantor Just Deleted His Facebook

Adam Weinstein · 06/11/14 04:20PM

Boys will be boys. Zachary Werrell, 23, is just a boy who happens to be running the campaign of the tea partier who upset House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in last night's Virginia congressional primary. A boy who, like so many others, suddenly realized his Facebook rants could be a liability.

Adam Weinstein · 06/11/14 02:30PM

A tea party House candidate in Oklahoma has endorsed stoning gays to death. It "goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I'm largely libertarian," he says, "but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss."

Baseball Columnist Pens Passionate Musings on Nonconsensual Touching

Adam Weinstein · 06/09/14 12:55PM

George Will, national treasure, has spent a life championing America's diamond pastime. He wants to make sure that you appreciate our other cherished pastime: "the ambiguities of the hookup culture, this cocktail of hormones." Hang on to your Cracker Jack, gents.