
Future Ivy League Student Pistol-Whips Mom Over a Nissan

Max Read · 03/29/11 01:04AM

How a state school student reacts to her mother refusing to co-sign on her used Nissan 350Z: By expressing her frustration in words. How an Ivy League student reacts to her mother refusing to co-sign on her used Nissan 350Z: By pistol-whipping her mother in the head. Of course, 17-year-old Rachel Anne Hachero, who's accused of pistol-whipping and threatening her mother over a black 2004 Nissan 350Z, isn't yet an Ivy Leaguer—according to her mother, she's "been accepted to several Ivy League colleges"—but something tells us she'll fit right in. [News Press]

Do Not Take a Picture of This Guy's Hair

Max Read · 03/18/11 03:07AM

If you are picture-shy—as Texas resident Johnathan Washburn is—you are advised not to assault people who photograph you—as Mr. Washburn did—because then the police are required by law to take a picture of you, and give it to anyone who asks. Which is why you are loooking at a picture of Mr. Johnathan Washburn, courtesy the Austin Statesman and the Austin Police Department. (Washburn allegedly grew angry with a fellow who took a photo of his "mohawk" and demanded that the photograph be erased; the situation escalated to the point where Washburn hit the guy with his skateboard. It's unclear whether or not the offending photograph survived the assault, but Washburn's mug shot more than makes up for it.) [Austin Statesman via The Daily What]

Sex Toy Used to Beat Off Cop

Adrian Chen · 12/23/10 08:11PM

When a police officer attempted to arrest 56-year-old Illinois resident Carolee Bildstein in November for a dine-and-dash, she allegedly attacked him with a "clear, rigid feminine pleasure device." I think I saw a porno that ended like this once.

Man Sentenced to Literal 'Eye for an Eye' Punishment

Maureen O'Connor · 12/13/10 05:40PM

A 25-year-old Tehranian who blinded his girlfriend's husband by throwing acid in his face has been sentencing to having acid drizzled over his face and eyes. Apparently they're seeking "forensic scientists" to carry out the punishment now. [Daily Mail]

Jon Stewart's Producer Arrested for Punching Heckler

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/10 02:54PM

In late September, Jon Stewart appeared at a Manhattan Barnes & Noble to promote his new book. A 9/11 Truther shouted some "9/11 truth" questions at him. Afterwards, a Daily Show executive producer punched that Truther in the face.

Cop Punches 17-Year-Old Girl in Head at Jaywalking Stop

Max Read · 06/15/10 10:51PM

If you're a police officer, how do you handle an angry confrontation with a 17-year-old girl who you've stopped for jaywalking? One thing you maybe shouldn't do is punch her in the head. Which is what one Seattle cop did.

Amy Winehouse Still Punching Folks in the Face

ian spiegelman · 09/27/08 12:44PM

Free falling songstress and exotic substance enthusiast Amy Winehouse (pictured left in happier times) is being investigated by the police for allegedly slugging a fan in the face when she troubled the performer for a photograph. A source says Winehouse tossed the jagged cluster of bones that forms her fist into fan Sherene Flash's eye after she asked Winehouse to pose for a snapshot with her following this week's End of Summer Ball. Which is especially sad, since Winehouse started the summer by getting caught on video decking a fan and falling down.