Bill O'Reilly and his "culture warriors" discussed the Internet's police brutality video du jour: the Seattle jaywalking punch-out. Rather surprisingly, all three came down on the side of the woman who was punched by the cop.

Tonight, O'Reilly discussed a cellphone video of a Seattle cop punching a 17 year-old girl who was being booked for jaywalking. O'Reilly started with the caveat, "We are pro-police here," and admitted that "this woman [was] totally out of line." But! "The police are trained to meet force with measured... measured. And it looks like this wasn't that."

Now, O'Reilly's brutality threshold is pretty high. This is a man who was a big fan of water-boarding! But even O'Reilly has to draw the line somewhere. And it is apparently a cop punching a teenaged girl in the face for screaming at and bumping into him.