
Adam Weinstein · 05/01/14 12:57PM

The Department of Education now has open Title IX sexual-violence and harassment investigations at 55 institutions of higher learning in the United States, according to an updated list released today. Is your college on it?

Successful Street Artist Talks About How He Maybe Raped His Masseuse

Adam Weinstein · 04/18/14 03:17PM

A popular street artist who's rubbed elbows with Anthony Bourdain and graffitied the walls of Facebook's headquarters used his sex-talk podcast last month to describe a forceful sexual encounter with his massage therapist that sounded an awful lot like assault.

British Jury Couldn't Stop Laughing About Defendant's Penis Size

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/18/14 07:10PM

The jury in the trial of a British publicist accused of sexual assault had to be dismissed from the courtroom today after they couldn't stop laughing about testimony concerning the defendant's two-and-a-half inch penis.

Joe Francis To His "Retarded" Jury: Just Kidding!

Rich Juzwiak · 05/23/13 09:55AM

It was not inevitable that Joe Francis would issue an apology for his remarks to The Hollywood Reporter suggesting the jurors who recently convicted him for unlawful imprisonment should be executed. But what was inevitable is that if an apology were to surface, it would be full of assy qualifications, self-entitlement and victim-playing. And so it has, and so it is. Below is the "apology" Francis issued because someone obviously told him to do it, although they failed to inform him how to do it:

Joe Francis Says His "Retarded" Jurors "Should Be Lined Up and Shot"

Rich Juzwiak · 05/22/13 12:14PM

Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis has gone wild and it's way better than a bath full of bouncing, barely (or not-at-all) legal coeds. On May 7, the day after he was found guilty of false imprisonment (three counts), assault causing great bodily injury (one count), and dissuading a witness from reporting (one count), The Hollywood Reporter nabbed an exclusive interview with the supreme douche, who was highly emotional and, as revealed later in the ensuing profile, drunk.

Man Beaten and Dragged Off Bus By Driver

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/13/13 12:50PM

A man in Lincoln, Nebraska was brutally beaten by a bus driver after asking the driver a question about the route of the bus. The video of the attack, which was released by the City of Lincoln, shows a 40-year-old man asking the driver a question. After a brief pause, the bus driver screams at the man about asking the question, and then proceeds to stop the bus and pummel the passenger, before savagely dragging him out of the bus and into the road.

This Guy Allegedly Assaulted His Roommate for Drawing Dicks on His Face, Was Booked with Penis on His Cheek

Camille Dodero · 03/26/13 05:32PM

Everybody knows the rules of binge drinking and bro-habitating: When you pass out anywhere beside your bed after a night of beer bongs and body shots and yelling at sports, you are fair game for a variety of pranks. You may wake up surrounded by stupidly placed bananas, or with cigarettes up your nose, or bearing a crude map of pee-pees all over your forehead. This is just the way it is.

Homeless Man Charged with Assault After NYPD Taped Beating Him Up

Max Read · 10/15/12 03:27PM

Last week, two NYPD officers arrived at the Aliya Institute on East New York Ave. on the border of Crown Heights in Brooklyn. They were responding to reports of a trespassing homeless man, later identified as Ehud H. Halevi. Halevi argued briefly with the police, and then, as you can see from the video above, they beat the shit out of him — punching him, hitting him with a nightstick, and pepper spraying him. He was later charged with assault on a police officer.

Lindsay Lohan Allegedly Assaulted After She Confronts Man for Taking Her Picture (UPDATE)

Taylor Berman · 09/30/12 01:34PM

Amanda Bynes' number one rival Lindsay Lohan is in the news again, although this time it appears the incident wasn't her fault. According to TMZ and the New York Post, Lohan was partying in a Manhattan hotel room with several friends and a few others when a man, who TMZ identifies as Christian LaBella, took a cell phone picture of her. Lindsay, being Lindsay, took umbrage and confronted LaBella, who then allegedly assaulted her. Says TMZ: