America's unwanted teen boys are generally exiled to "skate parks," and it was at Huntington Beach's Murdy Park where four kids beat the hell out of an innocent adult Friday night ... or bravely fought off a madman trying to stab them all with a screwdriver.

Four teenagers in the Southern California suburb have been charged with attempted murder after allegedly slamming their skateboards into a man in his 20s who reportedly tried to break up a fight over an iPod. Another three were detained, and cops say all of them were already on probation for one crime or another.

But the man's story—told by his girlfriend, who claims she first tried to break up a fight between the kids—sounded sketchier after photographs were released showing at least one of the kids stabbed by a screwdriver the man reportedly used as a weapon.

“She definitely didn't break up the fight because she ran and got a grown man with a screwdriver in his pocket,” said Collin Mammolite, a witness.

That’s when it turned violent, said Chandler Barrett, a 12-year-old witness.

“She's like, ‘I'll have my man do it’ … He pulled out a screwdriver and he was trying to grab them and stab them.

“He was absolutely trying to puncture one of those kids.”

A picture shows one of the kids who got stabbed in his left arm.

The man, said to be in his 20s, is in critical condition at a hospital in Irvine after at least one skateboard bashed his skull. The witnesses say it was the man who was trying to hurt the skate rats, and one of the accused kid's dads has gone to the local NBC station to speak out for his son's innocence.

“He was charging with the screwdriver,” the father told NBC4 in Los Angeles. “My son turned and ran trying to keep him away from him. That's when another young man hit the man with a skateboard in the back of the head.”

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Nobody wants skateboarders around, because skateboarders screw up New Urbanism and outdoor malls by being skateboarders who noisily ride their things around in little circles while looking surly and making old people uncomfortable. America has dealt with this threat of below-average suburban teenaged boys wasting time by building skate parks over some forgotten toxic waste dump and hoping the kids don't bother anyone else until they're old enough for continuation school.

Friday's drama ended at a nearby coin laundry, where the man was critically injured by a skateboard to the head.

The crime-plagued graffiti-covered park was the site of a grisly murder two years ago.

[Photo via Shutterstock.]