A referee punched in the face by a teen soccer player in Salt Lake City has died a week after suffering serious internal head injuries.

Ricardo Portillo, 46, was refereeing a game for teenagers last week when he cited a player with a "yellow card." Portillo was taking note of the infraction in his notebook (which soccer referees use to keep track of penalties) when the player, enraged, punched him in the face. Portillo then sat down and began vomiting blood. At the hospital, his health quickly deteriorated.

"He loved soccer," his daughter told CNN. "We just never thought this was going to happen. He loved what he did and it was his passion."

The player, who is 17, remains at juvenile detention. Originally charged with aggravated assault, he will know face more serious charges after the death of Portillo.

Portillo's death comes just a few months after youth soccer players in the Netherlands beat another referee to death.