Amanda Bynes' number one rival Lindsay Lohan is in the news again, although this time it appears the incident wasn't her fault. According to TMZ and the New York Post, Lohan was partying in a Manhattan hotel room with several friends and a few others when a man, who TMZ identifies as Christian LaBella, took a cell phone picture of her. Lindsay, being Lindsay, took umbrage and confronted LaBella, who then allegedly assaulted her. Says TMZ:

Our sources say Lindsay told police she confronted the man about the pics and he threw her on the bed causing scratches on her hands. We're told Lindsay ran out of the room, but returned later. When she did, Lohan claims the man attacked her, choked her, threw her to the ground, and climbed on top of her.

The Post's report is somewhat different, saying that Lohan grabbed the phone from LaBella's hands and ran from the room. LaBella chased after her.

Sources said Lohan and LaBella began tussling and eventually spilled out into a hotel hallway where LaBella allegedly tried to choke the addled actress.

A fire alarm was pulled at some point, which I'm sure went over well with other hotel guests.

LaBella was arrested on two midemeanor charges of assault and two charges of harassment.

UPDATE: TMZ is reporting police won't press charges against LaBella, which is good news considering that he works for Representative John Shimkus, an Illinois Republican. A Shimkus spokesperson released this statement to the New York Daily News: "Obviously, the Congressman does not condone his actions."

But it gets better: as Daily Intel points out, LaBella's Facebook photo is a picture of him with none other than Paul Ryan. Today's news cycle has officially come full circle.

[Image via Diane L. Cohen/]