
American Idol: Mile-High Shitty

Richard Lawson · 02/03/10 11:33AM

Twas our penultimate tale of auditions on Idol last night, and yet again a woeful menagerie of lost souls flitted across our screens, floating through the thin air of Denver like warbling cowboy ghosts.

American Idol: Barney Does Dallas

Richard Lawson · 01/28/10 10:49AM

You know what we are not supposed to mess with? Texas. There is to be no messing in or around Texas. None. So wait. Why then was American Idol blustering through Dallas, shaming people horribly last night?

American Idol: Man, I Gotta Get Out of LA

Richard Lawson · 01/27/10 12:17PM

We're goin' to Hollywoooood! No, adorable wisher, we're not done with auditions and watching Hollywood Week. This week's installment of 10,000 Maniacs: The TV Series just took place in LA, so the judges could sleep in their own beds.

cityfile · 01/26/10 04:39PM

• How many people have signed up for since the newspaper put up a pay wall three months ago? A grand total of 35, believe it or not. [NYO]
• Following in Oprah's footsteps, Martha Stewart announced she's moving her syndicated TV show to cable (the Hallmark Channel) next fall. [Reuters, WSJ]
• NBC honcho Jeff Gaspin says he "underestimated the level of emotion" that would follow the decision to change up NBC's late-night schedule. Fortunately, the Olympics are here, which he says will be "a cleansing moment." [NYT, AP]
• Ratings are up at Fox News: The network was ranked No. 1 in primetime cable last week. Strangely, Fox News was also ranked "the most trusted name in news," according to a national survey released today. Seriously. [NYT, PD]
• There's lots of anxiety in the air over at CNN, not surprisingly. [Politico]
• Yet another Post staffer is suing the paper for discrimination. [Gawker]
Roger Hodge, the editor of Harper's, has been let go. [NYT]
• More than 83 million people tuned in on Friday for the Haiti telethon. [LAT]
• Who's going to replace Simon Cowell on AI? Possibly one of these guys. [NYM]
Nancy Grace loves cameras in courtrooms. Except when she's the one doing the testifying, in which case they can cause "embarrassment." [AP]

American Idol Ruined Auditions for America

Brian Moylan · 01/21/10 01:45PM

Hair is holding an open casting and it is plagued by crazies from far and wide who don't really want to get to Broadway, they just want attention. Thanks American Idol, now instead of auditions, we have the freak parade.

Simon Cowell Might Be Sabotaging This Season's American Idol

Mike Byhoff · 01/21/10 01:43PM

The only people who make it through the Idol screening process are freaks, people with borderline talent, and people with actual talent. This year Simon seems to be saying yes to the first two at an alarming rate.

American Idol: Magic Kingdom Come

Richard Lawson · 01/21/10 11:10AM

"Orlaaannnnndo! Concrete jungle where dreams die and wither in the hot palmetto sun and everyone's miserable..." We were in Florida last night, proud member of our nation, and gosh did we see a lot of miserable people. One got arrested!

American Idol: The Night Chicago Died

Richard Lawson · 01/20/10 01:18PM

If American Idol is all about dreams (and it is), then last night was a nightmare. Not the sit-bolt-upright-in-bed kind of nightmare. But one of those bad dreams that's difficult and long, the ones that make you wake up tired.

American Idol: The Battle of Atlanta

Richard Lawson · 01/14/10 01:01PM

Last night our singing carnival wagoned south to the land of red dirt and REM. Georgia was the spot! In the big GA our judges found... Well, not a whole hell of a lot, actually. They found Mary J. Blige.

cityfile · 01/13/10 04:40PM

• Sick of the Leno-Conan saga yet? Conan is still negotiating an exit from NBC (and will probably continue ripping the network to shreds on his show until a deal is done). And now there's a rumor that Jay Leno may bolt from NBC as well, since "it looks like he is the reason that Conan is now without a job." The good news for everyone involved? All that drama has been great for ratings.
• The fact it was NBC chief Jeff Zucker who greenlit The Biggest Loser a few years back? Judging by the coverage today, it's looking increasingly likely that those three words haunt him forever/serve as his career epitaph. [NYT, NYP]
Roger Ailes isn't leaving Fox News, says News Corp. prez Chase Carey. [LAT]
CBS Early Show news anchor Russ Mitchell is leaving the program. [NYT]
• Last night's season premiere of American Idol reeled in 30 mil. people. [LAT]
• Sarah Palin's debut on Fox News last night scored big ratings, too. [HP]
• Did you hear Vogue staffers have to take the subway from now on due to cost cuts? Needless to say, Anna Wintour is exempt from this sort of insanity. [P6]
• Not too many Condé Nast employees were sad to see Richard Beckman leave the company. And there's no word yet on who will replace him. [NYO, NYP]
• Ben Silverman, the second-worst executive in the history of NBC (see above), but who got lucky and was canned just in the nick of time, is engaged. [P6]
Project Runway returns to the air—and NYC—tomorrow night. [NYDN]