
Least Important Crooks in Albany Busted

Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/09 03:46PM

Turns out that a couple of state workers in Albany hid in some back room smoking weed and selling weed and watching DVDs and passing out on the couch instead of working. And?

What's Up With the Albany Coup?

Pareene · 06/12/09 01:36PM

New York's fate rests in the open palms of a guy who lives in Westchester but represents the Bronx and who works in a little shithole 130 miles up the Hudson from here. And the guy who slashed his girlfriend.

Coup in Albany

cityfile · 06/08/09 01:07PM

Just in case you were looking for further evidence that Albany is a useless, dysfunctional mess, now you have it: Five months after Democrats took control of the State Senate, it appears Republicans are back in charge after two scandal-plagued Democrats—Pedro Espada Jr. of the Bronx and Hiram Monserrate of Queens (left)—suddenly decided to cross the aisle this afternoon. Monserrate, as you may recall, is under indictment for allegedly slashing his girlfriend's face with broken glass last December. If he's eventually convicted of assault, Monserrate will lose his seat, which will mean the chamber will be evenly split between Democrats and Republicans—and will be without a tie-breaking vote—until the 2010 elections. [NYT, NYDN, NYP]

Asshole State Senator Blames "The Gays," Ed Koch For Albany Mess

Pareene · 12/10/08 06:12PM

State Senator Malcolm Smith is giving up on negotiating with Senators Pedro Espada Jr., Carl Kruger, and Ruben Diaz Sr. So no one knows who will run the New York state senate and what will happen to gay marriage and whether those three assholes will remain Democrats or what. Smith's is a frustrating but morally correct decision, and only one of those modifiers usually describes doings in Albany. Diaz was typically incoherently dickish in a message to a reporter: