Turns out that a couple of state workers in Albany hid in some back room smoking weed and selling weed and watching DVDs and passing out on the couch instead of working. And?

A supervisor in the Office of General Services and a janitor reportedly got paid more than $28K in overtime while chilling in the back room, blazing. They narrowly missed making the city's "Top 10,000 Thieves" list.

Their so-called "man cave," situated inside the East Garage off Phillip Street, featured couches, a television and DVDs, a refrigerator, and rolling papers and scales to weigh marijuana...

Fisch's office alleged the men used the secret party lounge, located in a maintenance area, to sell drugs, get high and sleep while other janitors cleaned Pivoda's section in the garage. The IG's office said the janitor made pot deliveries in his OGS vehicle to electricians, plumbers and fellow state workers.

Just wait until the Inspector General finds out what Taco Bell employees in the state food court are doing on their breaks.